If you've seen the article, 16 Times Elf Perfectly Described College, you know by now that college isn't exactly a cake walk all the time.
But finals. A college students most dreaded time of the year. It's a time of no sleep, consuming too much coffee, barely eating or eating absolutely terrible, and consider dropping out once or 20 times. You tend to lose your mind a little bit and feel like your life is falling apart. It can be hard to think of some positive things when all that's on your mind is grades, so here's some things to help you get through this hell week.
2. You are worth more than a grade.
3. One semester ends, and another one starts. New semester, new you.
4. Your parents love you.
5. Dogs are on this planet, so obviously it's a good life.
6. Music can drown out any bad feeling.
7. Aldi's sells a bottle of wine for $4.
8. In the words of Winston Churchill, "If you're going through hell, keep going."
9. Elle Woods got into Harvard and got her man, you can too.
10. You can't win them all.
11. Brittany Spears made it through 2007, you can finish 2016.
12. "Emit positive vibes into the world around you, and the world will give positivity right back."
13. Your friends will still love you even if you don't get that A.
14. Watch 'New Girl' when you get too stressed out.
15. Life will be gucci, don't go too hard on yourself.
Now kill finals!