Hi there. If you are reading this, you might be feeling sad or just need to feel better about something that might be going on in your life right now. Maybe you need a smile or to a hear a really bad joke. It’s time to set down that tub of ice cream, take Adele, the Fray, Ed Sheeran and the infamous song “The Heart Wants What It Wants” by Selena Gomez off repeat, take off the headphones and turn off the speaker for a second. You feel your ears begin to readjust to the quiet daily noises we often disregard as background noise. There is a sense of calmness in the disorientation. You listen to the noises and routines of the people that are unfolding around you. Your favorite neighbor is mowing the lawn, your mom is getting ready for work, and your little brother is getting ready for soccer practice. Time is still passing around you and you are still wearing those sweatpants and the over-sized sweatshirt. It is time to do something for you.
1. Take a Shower
Take your time. Shampoo and condition longer than normal. Wash it all away. You deserve to feel beautiful. Be as happy as Emma Stone in Easy A when she can’t stop singing “Pocketful of Sunshine.” Put on a fresh t-shirt and pajama shorts. Put your sweat pants in the hamper and start fresh.
2. Switch out your old playlist for a more empowering one.
Spotify has some good ones- Mood Booster, Good Vibes, and Have a Great Day just to name a few. Some other favorite songs that make it hard to stay sad include: “Mr. Brightside” by the Killers, “Birthday” by Selena Gomez, Milkshake- Kelis (you might have smirked when you read this one), “Not Your Birthday” by All Star Weekend, “Roses” by Chainsmokers, “High School Musical” the first soundtrack, “Dirt off your Shoulders” by Jay Z, “Everybody Talks” by Neon Trees, and “Best Fake Smile” by James Bay.
3. Look up bad jokes online
You would be surprised the ridiculous thought process of some of them can actually get to you eventually. You might actually catch yourself smiling. Some of my favorite while looking online include: What does a nosy pepper do? Get jalapeño business. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent.What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday? AYE MATEY!!
4. Watch some of your favorite funny videos.
We all have a favorite Viner, or YouTuber that always makes us laugh with their shenanigans. If that fails watch an animal video; they always have a hint of innocence that makes it hard not to find these animals adorable. My weakness is dog videos. I could watch that all day.
5. Call a friend and go out for the day.
Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. You can go laser tagging, paintballing, or to that mysterious hipster coffee shop and just observe people. Travel to another city and shop, hit the beach, even Pokémon Go can be fun.
6. Dress up!
Put on your best dress or pants and top. Do your make up and embrace the highlight. Wear the outfit with all the sparkles or the rips. Be proud of how you look. You’re amazing!
7. Go eat some good food.
That really helps sometimes. Order your favorite dish in fact- pizza, pasta, tacos, sushi, poke, wings. Grab some Starbucks after. Treat yourself!
8. Take a drive somewhere and just cruise around.
Feel like you are in control of something that is going on. You may not be able to control the situation but you can help how you feel. If you want to stay in the comforts of your own home, sit outside. You made a choice or decision and just remember there is relief coming soon.
9. Exercise
A little bit to relieve tension. Before you can get to a place of being okay sometimes blowing off steam helps get out all frustrations that come from wanting to fix the things we cannot change. Go for a jog, play some basketball, or hit the gym.
10. Watch some action movies
I recommend the Lethal Weapon movies, Die Hard, or Fast and the Furious movies. Some other options include: stand up comedies, Harry potter movies, Lord of the Rings series, Star Wars movies, and the endless possibilities of Netflix.
11. Read a book.
Focus on something else besides the complexities in your life right now and focus on the plot of another story. A thriller, Ulysses by James Joyce, or the book series by R.M. Drake.
12. Play some video games.
Get focused and lose yourself in the buttons and strategy of it all. Put in Mario Cart, Grand Theft Auto, or Call of Duty.
13. Spend your day in a different area of the house that you normally don’t go into very often.
Observe things you would have normally overlooked. You might notice that there is a little crack in the corner wall, you might find the atmosphere is different in there. There is still some new that can be found in the old and familiar.
14. Make plans for yourself so you have something to look forward to for the rest of the week.
Maybe you want to clean your room, wash clothes, reorganize your book shelf, spend some more time with family and friends. You can do anything you want.
15. Learn how to do something new-
Play an instrument- YouTube is helpful with tutorials, download Duolingo and learn French, make a YouTube channel.
Focus your energy on the positive. It’s all around you, you just have to want to see it. Don’t forget how wonderful and unique you are.