A purse is a woman’s best friend like a dog is a man’s best friend. A woman keeps her entire life in her purse. It isn’t just for holding car keys and makeup. For mothers, a purse holds her baby’s diapers. For students, a purse holds a notebook. For writers, a purse holds a plethora of gel pens and highlighters. No matter a woman’s age, occupation, relationship status or sexuality, a purse literally holds a woman’s life. Here are the top 15 items that a woman should always carry on her person:
1. Tampons
If you’re reading this and thinking, “But I’m not on my period this week,” think again. This week might not be your special week, but Jill in the bathroom stall beside you might be in need of a tampon. Help make a lady’s day by offering her one when she calls out for one. Become her period pal. Us women have to look out for each other.
2. Extra pair of undies
Tuck a thong into the side pocket of your purse! You may have a period emergency and need the extra pair. (Or maybe you’ll find yourself in a stranger’s bed one morning after a fun one-night-stand, and you’re not sure which direction your original pair of undies was thrown in.) Moral of the story: expect the unexpected and always be prepared.
3. Condoms
“But he should have condoms with him!” NO. WRONG. Sure, a guy should carry a condom on him at all times, but what if he doesn’t have one on him when you really really need him to? Carry one just in case. The mood could strike whenever, and you don’t want to miss out on all the fun because you put all your faith into the guy to have a condom.
4. Lipstick
Or lipgloss, chapstick, lip balm, you name it. Keep it in your purse so your poor lips don’t dry out over the course of your busy day.
5. Blotting papers and powder
I know this is brand new information, but…women sweat. Some women have oily faces, too. But you can avoid those embarrassing oily moments by carrying blotting papers in your purse and re-powdering your nose and cheeks throughout the day.
6. Compact mirror
Have you ever tried to apply lipstick without looking in a mirror? Yes? Oh, well, good for you. Not everyone can do that. Carry around a little compact mirror to help you in those moments of need. It’s also nice to have when your contact decides to jump out of your eye and you need to watch yourself put it back in to make sure you’re actually putting it where it belongs. Also, use it to discreetly check yourself out. You look good, girl!
7. Contacts case and/or glasses
Always carry you contact case with you! If your contact does jump out of your eye and you can’t stop to put it back in, you’ll thank yourself later for having your contact case with you to store the annoying contact in. Same goes for your glasses. Some of us can’t drive at night without our glasses, so keep your glasses with you at all times; you never know when you’ll need them to see a road at night.
8. Bobby pins
For those flyaways that *Miley Cyrus voice* can’t be tamed. Or for when your bangs just won’t cooperate.
9. Stain remover pen
Some women aren’t as graceful as others. (Cough me cough). We end up wearing our food; it’s embarrassing. Use Tide’s stain removing pen to wash away that obvious red stain on your shirt. (And no one will know you broke your ‘no carbs’ diet and ate pasta for lunch.)
10. Hand sanitizer
Bath & Body Works. That is all. You can get five sanitizers for only $6. You have no excuse. They even have eucalyptus mint stress relief sanitizers for when you’re stuck in awkward, stressful situations. Again, you have no excuse. (I even linked you to the page. You’re welcome.)
11. Snacks
Carry around a small pack of almonds/nuts, a granola bar, an apple or something small. You may be starving and stuck in traffic one day, or your stomach might be trying to eat your spine in the middle of an important meeting. Always carry a snack with you to avoid those embarrassing tummy rumbles.
12. Gum and/or mints
Got a hot date in twenty minutes but don’t have time to go home and brush your teeth? Pop a piece of gum or a mint into your mouth and go on your merry little way. Your boyfriend/girlfriend will be grateful.
13. Tissues
For those hot dates that don’t go as planned, or for when you’re having a bad day and someone looks at you and makes you cry. Shit happens. Women cry. Carry a small pack of tissues with you to wipe away any nuisance tears you may shed.
14. Pepper spray
I shouldn’t have to explain why you ladies should carry this. Protect yourselves. It’s a crazy world out there; prepare yourself for everything. Here are some amazing pepper sprays including discreet sprays designed to look like tubes of lipstick and pens.
15. Pens and/or pencils and paper
Along with your pepper spray pen, carry a regular pen, too. You never know when you’ll need to jot down important dates, phone numbers, names, etc. Write these things down in a small notebook; it’s not necessary to carry around a spiral notebook.
Last but not least, always carry your wallet. Make sure you have a valid ID, your insurance card, your student ID (if you’re in school) and your credit/debit card or money; in fact, never ever leave the house without those few items. If you take anything away from this article, let it be that. Now go out and buy yourself a bigger purse!