15 Things 'The Two Towers' Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things 'The Two Towers' Taught Me

A continuation of the lessons I've learned from the Lord of the Rings trilogy

15 Things 'The Two Towers' Taught Me
Just Good Vibe

1. You may have to compromise whom you get help from

When Frodo and Sam got lost in Emyn Muil, they met the creature that had been following them since Moria: Gollum. Frodo knew that Gollum was obsessed with the Ring, and that he had been to Mordor. Weighing the pros and cons, Frodo decides they could use Gollum as a guide.

You may not have to work with Gollum to reach your goal or destination, but life may bring you to a place similar to Frodo where we have to take a chance and see what we can do with what presents itself to us.

2. Always be aware of what you sign your name to

We are introduced to the kingdom of Rohan and its dire state as King Theoden is under the warped influence of the wizard Saruman. Grima Wormtongue (the advisor of the King) is feasting off the power, but Grima's schemes do not go unnoticed by the King's Captain and Nephew Eomer.

To avoid overthrow, Grima has Theoden sign Eomer into banishment. The lesson here is: whenever we sign our name to something, it is important we fully know what is in store. It may affect us directly, or others we care about.

3. Things that were gone may come back again... but not necessarily to haunt us

The Nazgul are not so easily defeated. Not only do they come back after being swept up by the river in the change for Frodo... but they return in even more dangerous form by riding their winged mounts (the Fellbeast). In life, there are things we may want to leave behind for good... but they can resurface. While things do have a tendency to come back and be bad...

... in other cases they are good. Gandalf the Grey returns to us as Gandalf the White to help our heroes aid Rohan and help save Middle Earth.

4. Be alert and be savvy

After Amon Hen, Pippin had no idea if their friends were still alive. Yet, in the midst of the Uruk-Hai, Pippin overhears they are talking about Aragorn being on their trail. Knowing that Aragorn is a master at tracking, Pippin did a very smart thing in leaving his leaf pin behind for him to find.

This act not only showed Aragorn the direction they were going and how far they were, it left assurance to our heroes that he and Merry may still be alive. Lesson point: If we aren't aware of what is happening around us, we may miss important opportunities to benefit us, save us, or even help others.

5. What you fear doesn't mean its your fate

We find that Eowyn has been through so much. Her cousin had died, her brother was banished, her uncle has been withering away, and her beloved country losing its glory and honor. All of these things have driven her to fear her purpose in life. All that she can imagine is a life of being used and growing old, accomplishing nothing of valorous importance... Until she meets Aragorn.

Reminding her of her position as a shield maiden of Rohan and a daughter of Kings, Aragorn encourages her that she does have purpose and it will be for something important. This advice is rather profound coming from Aragorn, considering that he had been through this kind of situation himself.

His fear was of his relation to Isildur; that he was susceptible to the same weakness of being easily seduced by the power of the Ring... yet in letting Frodo go to Mordor without him, he did what his forefathers could not. His fear did not become his fate. For both Aragorn and Eowyn, to overcome fears doesn't happen on its own. A choice needs to be made: Will you let your fears rule your future?

6. There is a battlefield of a different kind

The dual personality of Gollum/Smegol is an interesting thing that brings to light what we go through in life in the recesses of our own minds. There is a voice inside that will always try to bring about something negative, destructive, and hurtful to ourselves.

We may find that we cannot part with that side due to something important we hold to it. For Smegol, Gollum was the one who helped them survive... to disassociate with that side, and ignore it can be a challenge.

7. Familiarity has value

Strength can come to us through things that are familiar and hold meaning. Now free from the evil magic of Saruman, Theoden rediscovered his inner strength through unsheathing his sword which is a symbol of his Kingship and his homeland.

In life there are moments we find the courage, motivation, or fortitude when something we are familiar with is present. What whatever it may be, these things we hold value to can be our strength when we need it most. For Theoden, he gained back the strength which was stolen from him.

8. Ways to cook and prepare...

Boiling, mashing and sticking them in stews are just a few ways. We also learn of their "street name" among Hobbits: Taters.

9. Physical enhancements will get you into trouble

When Merry and Pippin escape the Uruk-Hai and find safety in Fangorn Forest they come across water that can make them grow taller.

Becoming overzealous with the magical water to beat each other in height, they accidentally get caught up in the roots of an Ent. Thankfully their new friend Treebeard arrived to help them out.

10. Betrayal is a two-way street

Shortly after Theoden's freedom, Grima Wormtongue was thrown from Edoras. Grima then went to Saruman to betray the plans of Theoden, but upon seeing the army of ten-thousand Uruk-Hai Grima realized the depth of his mistake...

Everything he cared for, his homeland, was going to be destroyed. Betrayal is a cruel thing to which we think only effects one party. Though it varies in severity upon situation, we see that with Grima, betrayal finds a way back home.

11. How to make an impressive appearance

Although Aragorn does not seem to fit the general tips on how to make a good impression, he does command the room with his non-verbal communication rather splendidly.

12. Honoring alliances

The time of the elves in Middle Earth has come to its final chapter, and thus begins their travel into the West. Lord Elrond knowing of the darkness that will befall upon Aragorn and the men at Rohan, is torn whether to have his people leave, or send his friends help...

In honor of the alliance that both men and elves shared when facing Sauron at Mount Doom, Haldir arrives with his army of elves to aid their fight. Considering the predicament our hero's were in, the arrival of the elves was greatly appreciated.

13. People of character keep their word

Like any person of good character, keeping your word makes you trustworthy and reliable amongst your peers. Just as Gandalf said to Aragorn before the battle of Helms Deep, he arrived precisely as he meant to (sounds familiar doesn't it?).

Not only did Gandalf come as expected, but he came back with Eomer and his two-thousand Rohirrim to assist in our heroes. The Battle of Helms deep is won.

14. Sometimes the right decisions are the hardest to make

Faramir, for all of his life, had been known as the "lesser son" in his fathers' eyes: his older brother Boromir was the favored son. Having the Ring of power in his grasp, Faramir has a chance to change his position in life and prove his quality to his father: the Steward of Gondor.

Witnessing the evil of the Ring in the Nazgul attack of Oscilliath, Faramir knew that to take the Ring to his father would bring destruction to the city he is trying to protect. He sacrificed his own future for the sake of everything he knew and loved, and understood the gravity of what he was leaving into the hands of the two Hobbits.

15. Don't discount the value of stories with happy endings

There are times where we feel that there is no hope for good to overcome and that the darkness will forever loom over and consume us... That is the exact mindset that Frodo and Sam are in. Yet, with all the adversity they faced and all that will be in store, Sam is reminded of the stories he grew up with.

These stories of old contain evil and hopelessness, which resembles their situation... but in the end of these stories the heroes overcome and dispel the dark because they didn't give up holding onto the belief that there is good in the world worth fighting for... so does Sam believes this too, and finds his strength in that there is still a purpose to keep fighting. This strength which begins to kindle the fire of determination within him is the encouraging push for Frodo to get up and press on.

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