15 Things 'The Fellowship Of The Ring' Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things 'The Fellowship Of The Ring' Taught Me

We can learn some important life lessons from the movies we grew up watching.

15 Things 'The Fellowship Of The Ring' Taught Me
Warner Bros

1. You don't have to be a professional to embark on a journey

At The Council of Elrond when the fate of the Ring was discussed, Frodo stepped up to take on the responsibility to destroy it. While the other Council members held more experience and knowledge, Frodo didn't hesitate and didn't focus on what he lacked.

Though admitting to not knowing the way, he was accompanied by those who did, such as a wizard, a Dunedain ranger, an elf, a dwarf...

... and other people of intelligence.

2. You learn how to be resourceful with what you have

When the companions faced goblins in Balin's Tomb, Sam, being the cook he is, used his frying pan to knock out goblins. Be it cooking ware or not, you'll learn to put whatever you have to good use.

3. Some things are not always as they seem

Though it appears as a harmless piece of jewelry, the One Ring is the key to the destruction of Middle Earth. Evil comes in many different forms, and corrupts in many different ways.

4. If you need answers about something, research it

It may take a day, or if you're Gandalf, years and lots of traveling until you get your answers... but determination and persistence will get you through. When Gandalf was uncertain if Bilbo's magical ring was evil, he traveled across Middle to confirm his suspicion.

Turns out it was!

5. Sometimes the most unlikely things are actually really helpful

When Frodo was stabbed with a Morgul blade, we find that Kingsfoil (yes, it's a weed) was pretty handy to slow the poison that would turn Frodo into a Ringwraith. How's that for herbal medicine!

6. Be bold when facing opposition

Be courageous and take risks. Whether it's work, school or facing a Ringwraith...

... give it what you've got.

7. Great love lays down its life for a friend

After their fight in Balin's Tomb, the Balrog of Moria made its appearance. Gandalf knew to face it was suicide, but out of the nine companions he also knew he was the only one capable of standing a chance. He stood his ground and fought bravely to save his friends.

8. It is never a bad idea to seek out a second opinion

In some cases, what they have to say is the right thing to do.

Isildur just defeated Sauron, had the One Ring, and was standing in the one place where it could be destroyed. He didn't even consider what Elrond had to say.

Should've listened dude... the ring of power has a will of its own.

9. Never inflate or exaggerate

You may be proven wrong later...

... or immediately. Either way, the life lesson here is don't boast.

10. Don't mess with fireworks

Merry and Pippin are two characters who are both lovable and mischievous, but they didn't seem to think ahead at how to properly set up a firework.

They could've ended up with much worse than sore ears and washing dishes that night.

11. Food is important

Hobbits show us that if you are going out on a journey it is important that you keep up your strength with sustenance and be prepared to bring what you need to cook it. Depending on how much you eat though if you're like Merry and Pippin...

... you may need to cut back on some meals.

12. Every relationship has its challenges

Aragorn being mortal and Arwen being an elf made things complicated between them, and even more so that Aragorn may not come back from his mission. For all of us it is inevitable that we have, will, or presently face tribulations regarding the ones we love. A relationship with the one you love is not always going to be easy. For Aragorn as painful as it was...

... he had to let her go.

13. Things don't always turn out as planned

Gandalf sacrificing himself for the sake of his friends...

The Uruk-Hai attack in Amon Hen taking Boromir's life and kidnapping Merry and Pippin...

To Frodo and Sam going to Mordor alone. Thus, the breaking of the Fellowship. The unexpected turn of events can apply to everyone. Though faced with disappointment and uncertainty...

14. Never give up on hope

Aragorn never loses hope. Though some have died, some had to leave for the greater good, and some are missing, he finds the motivation deep inside to continue on.

... we all have something left to fight for. Aragorn shows us hope never quits, and neither should we.

15. Two is better than one

Like Frodo, there are some journeys we cannot face alone. The path to Mordor is treacherous, for already Frodo has witnessed the horrors of Sauron's dark servants: Ringwraiths, the Watcher in the water, Goblins, a Balrog, and now a new breed of evil, the Uruk-Hai. For whatever evil lies ahead, should Frodo falter Sam will be there to pick him up.

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