Sixth grade through eighth grade. The crazy, beautiful, fun, awkward, years of a person's life known as middle school. For some, hearing those two words makes you cringe. And for others, you would give anything to return to your middle school glory days. No matter which side of the fence you are on with those two scenarios, these things will remind you of all the good times you had as an awkward middle schooler.
1. Uggs.
The shoe of choice of every middle school girl, the second it got cold enough to wear them. Or maybe you even wore them when it wasn't cold enough.
2. Prank Calling.
Because what else would you do at a sleepover?
3. Picnik.
Before Instagram, VSCO, all of the editing apps today...we had Picnik. Edit your picture to your heart's desire...complete with the quotes of your choosing. My personal favorite from this one..."Finding a friendship like ours is like nailing jello to a tree...IMPOSSIBLE."
4. Graphic Tees.
It had to be from Aeropostale, Abercrombie, or Hollister.
5. Being upset if you weren't in someone's top friends on MySpace.
And that's how the drama started...
6. The Clique Books.
Every middle school girl had a little Massie Block in her.
7. Intramural Sports.
Intramural sports got intense. You didn't care if the game was before school. You were going to win, even at the expense of getting sweaty. *Note: my Clique reading experience and intramural sports combined, resulting in my intramural soccer team being called "The Pretty Committee." Oh boy.
8. You loved going to the movies or the mall with your friends.
Even if you went to see Twilight 6 times in theaters.
9. If you didn't forward the text to 12 people...
Good old chain texts. Gotta love em.
10. Text Message Signatures.
We all did it...I know a few of mine were along the lines of "LiVe~LaUgH~lOvE!", "RAWR! It means I love you in dinosaur (:" or something about me and whoever I was best friends with at the time.
11. You used Webcams way too much.
Gotta get the perfect profile picture!
12. These texting conversations...
Person 1: Hey
Person 2: Heyyyy
Person 1: Wats up?
Person 2: Nm u?
Person 1: Nm just chillin
13. ...which were most likely sent on this phone.
14. This iPod.
Filled with songs including: "Love Story" by Taylor Swift, "Whatcha Say" by Jason Derulo, "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie, "Tik Tok" by Kesha, "One Time" by Justin Bieber, "Low" by Flo Rida, pretty much everything by Colbie Caillat, "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas, the Hoedown Throwdown from Hannah Montana, and a whole plethora of other gems.
15. You had some great friends.
Some of these friends might still be your friends today, others you may not have talked to in years. But regardless, you'll never forget the fun times that were had.