People who have anxiety and/or depression know the struggle of people saying or asking stupid things. People who don't have these mental health issues just don’t understand. It’s one of those things that if you've never experienced it, then you will never completely understand it. These are some of the top things people with these issues hear…A LOT. So, please avoid using them.
1.You’re laughing and having a good time. How can you be depressed?
Fun fact! Depression is not always 24/7 doom and gloom. We do have happy moments, days, and weeks.
2. Just calm down.
3. What do you have to be depressed/anxious about?
Sometimes, there is no reason.
4. Just get over it.
5. You’re just overreacting.
Please say you’re not serious.
6. So… does that mean you’re suicidal?
Not everyone with depression is suicidal. Yes, there are some people who are; but not everyone is.
7. Think of the people who have it worse than you do.
Yes, please make me think of all the bad things in the world to make me feel worse and guilty for feeling this way—something that I cannot control.
8. Stop making it all about you.
9. It’s all in your mind.
REALLY? There’s kind of a reason it’s called a mental illness.
10. Can’t you just be normal?
Oh, believe me, I would if I could control this.
11. You’re just looking for attention.
You’re joking, right?
12. Well, you must not really be a Christian, then.
Just because someone is a Christian does not mean they cannot deal with mental illnesses.
13. Just get up and do something with your life.
I admit, getting up to at least take a shower would be a good idea. But, please do not say this to someone with a mental illness. It is not that simple.
14. Just be happy!
Poof! Gone! You should make people pay for these magical cures.
15. It’s just a phase.
Just… no.