For a while I decided I wasn’t going to watch the sho, but then finally one day I cracked. After watching just a couple episodes I was obsessed. I find myself binge watching it all the time. Although I haven’t gone to medical school I probably could be a doctor. Thank you Shonda Rhimes! Here are 15 things that only Grey’s Anatomy fans can understand.
1. Meredith's love life is your love life
Let’s face it Meredith and McDreamy are perfect for each other. Season after season you fall in love with their relationship. Pretty soon you won’t be paying attention to your own love life.
2. What's a social life?
After watching the first season you are already hooked! Pretty soon you will be laying in bed with your favorite food, binge watching Grey’s on Netflix. One more episode can easily turn into 3 seasons. Not only will you be binge watching it but you’ll have no social life. Grey’s Anatomy is your new life, don’t deny it, you love it.
3. You're my person not my best friend
Pretty soon instead of calling someone your best friend they are now your “person”.
4. "Trust me, I'm a doctor"
After watching every season multiple times you’ll start to think you are a doctor. Although you have thought about going to medical school you can’t because you would spend all your time re-watching every episode instead of studying.
5. Say goodbye to sleep
You can’t just watch one episode and be done. You have to finish the whole season before you even think about sleep.
6. You easily get disappointed every time you go to the actual doctors office
In a perfect world the hospital would be full with tons of McDreamys and McSteamys. But in reality every time you go to your doctor appointment you become sad due to the fact there is no McDreamys or McSteamys in a 50 mile radius. Sorry but you do still have to go to the doctors.
7. Who's James Bond?
Whenever you hear "007" you cant help but think of George and not James Bond.
8. The death of main characters hits close to home
No matter how long it’s been, every time one of your favorite’s die it makes you die a little on the inside. You might as well have a box of tissues next to your bed. Shonda Rhimes is your best friend and your enemy.
9. Talk about intense episodes
You nearly had a heart attack when you watched the shooter episode. That was more intense than when Izzie Stevens cut the LVAD wire.
10. You hate the new interns
It doesn’t matter what season you are on, but the new interns not only have to prove they are the real deal to everyone on the show but they have to prove themselves to you.
11. When your friends are sick, you try to be the doctor
“Push 1 of epi. I need chest compressions. Can someone get me a crash cart”?
12. Derek is dead! What has this world come to?
When Derek dies, you don’t know what to do. It’s like a punch in the throat and the world stops for a little bit. You think that you’ll never move on and happiness is completely gone.
13. You still don't understand the singing episode
Sure it was creative and interesting but you are still pretty annoyed it happened.
14. Lets go to Joe's
You wish after a long shift you could go to Joe's Bar and get a drink.
You ask yourself "What Would Christina Yang Do?