When you attend James Madison University, there are a few things that you know that being a Duke comes with. We’re the best school with the best traditions. You can’t help but get into these strange but fun things that every Duke knows to be true!
1. No matter where you are on campus, if you yell “J-M-U” you are almost 100 percent guaranteed to hear “duuuukkkkees” somewhere in the distance.
2. There’s nothing quite like the drunk bus at 2 a.m.
With all the vomiting, drunk screaming, random people making out and an occasional bus sing-a-long to "Livin' On A Prayer," getting home safely
3. There’s the "unofficial" bucket list that the university doesn't like to acknowledge.
It includes, but is not limited to: stealing a Quad brick, exploring the tunnels, jumping in the fountain in front of Burruss Hall, swimming in Newman Lake (which you really shouldn’t be doing unless you want four different types of bacterial diseases. Trust me, it’s better to sit out on this one), breaking into Bridgeforth Stadium, streaking the Quad, and capping your senior year off with a Senior Crawl. Be wise in what you do and when you do it, Dukes.
4. If you pet a Quad cat during finals week, you have been blessed and will pass all your exams whether you studied or not. (Please study though)
5. We have some of the best food ever!
Examples? Student Success Center has Bistro 1908 (the burgers are to die for), we have E-Hall if you’re looking for some kick-ass brunch, Festival Food Court with the
6. Our fight song is to be scream-sung with a firey passion because #GoDukes
7. We have SO MANY clubs and organizations and some of the best Greek Life on the East Coast.
8. Two words: tailgate season.
9. Harrisonburg has so many cool places to hang out.
Looking for something to eat? Go downtown. Want to take Thirsty Thursdays to a whole new level? Thursday is Karaoke night at Brickhouse Tavern. Need some fluffy love? The puppy farm is just a drive down the road. Want to get your explorer on? You have to go hiking on some of the most beautiful trails in Virginia!
10. If you plan on attending any sporting event, be prepared to SHOW UP.
We’re talking decked out in your best purple and gold, streamers flying, filled to the brim with school spirit. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the DUKES of JMU and we’re here to not let you forget!
11. If there’s the word “free” in front of anything, you can count on a mob of students waiting to get whatever it is.
Pro-tip: Go to the Commons if you're looking for that free merch.
12. Beware of the preachers near Carrier Library and on the commons.
They are there to lecture and will hold on to anyone who listens with an iron grip so don’t stop and talk unless you want to be there all afternoon long.
13. On nice days, everyone quad sits.
And they bring out the