15 Things That Can Change Your Mood Instantly | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things That Can Change Your Mood Instantly

Don't be afraid to do things that brighten your soul and benefit your mental health.

15 Things That Can Change Your Mood Instantly

Everyone has those days when you wake up and just know your day is going to suck. If you are stressed, stop what you are doing and take the time to focus on your mental health. Try these 15 things and see where your day takes you!

1. A solid nap.

There is just something about a warm, cozy bed filled with soft blankets and plush pillows to take all of your bad vibes away.

2. A good book.

Even if you can only read for 20 minutes, a book has the ability to inspire you, encourage you and make you dream in a place so far away from your everyday struggles.

3. A bath.

Wash the bad away and soak in all the good. Light some candles, listen to some music, throw in a bath bomb, sit back and just relax. Bathes are so underrated.

4. Coffee.

Iced, black, flavored, or blended; coffee has something about it that makes you feel sophisticated, intelligent and instantly more productive just after the first sip. You can conquer anything with the right cup of coffee.

5. A bomb Spotify playlist.

3 words. Music. Heals. Everything.

6. The right outfit.

Confidence works wonders on a bad mood. The more confidence you have, the better you feel, and nothing makes you feel more confident than a slayin' outfit!

7. A hug.

Being embraced by someone who cares is the best feeling in the world and a hug is truly a remarkable way to make a bad mood disappear.

8. Doing something you love.

Doing something you love is so good for the soul. Go out and shoot some hoops with a friend, read a book, draw, paint, write, go on a bike ride or walk your dog. If you are enjoying your time doing it, it's WORTH your time.

9. A good work out.

No better way to release stress and anger than working it off. Run a few miles, do a killer ab work out, or try some intense yoga. Sweating off the bad mood, helps your body produce endorphins which makes you happy. Trust me, there is no better feeling than knowing you did some good for your physical and mental health.

10. Your favorite food.

Now that you worked out, try eating your feelings. We all do it once in a while. Everyone has their go to comfort food, their go to favorite food, so go to your favorite burger joint, order that extra sushi, try the spicier wings. Stop counting the calories for one meal and eat what your soul is craving.

11. A call from your mom.

Moms somehow know what to say, when to say it, how to say it, and they are always right! When in doubt, CALL YOUR MOM!

12. A country drive.

Roll the windows down. turn up, or turn off the radio and just cruise. Leave the city limits, watch the clouds move as you drive. Listen to what the roads, the trees and the birds are telling you. Nothing quite as peaceful as a drive down a country road by yourself.

13. Seeing a puppy.

Seriously, look up pictures of cute puppies and you will not be disappointed. And if you're a cat person, the internet has plenty of adorable cat pictures and videos too!

14. Watching a favorite TV show or Movie.

Movies, like books, allow you to escape any negativity in your life. Find something that makes you laugh, fantasize, dream, wonder and explore a world beyond reality. Laugh hysterically, or cry passionately, either way you are engaging in something that makes your heart happy.

15. Cleaning.

Cleaning is a great form of procrastination and it makes you feel very accomplished afterwords too. Plus sometimes cleaning up a mess that stresses you out makes all the difference.

With the countless things that negatively impact your mood every day, it's important find what can balance you out. Try some of these things the next time you feel down and see what happens, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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