Everyone always seems to make more out of a friendship between a guy and a girl. Even in today's society, where we accept everyone for how they are, male/female friendships seem to still be something people can't take seriously. I personally have been best friends with my guy best friend for about five years now, and it has been anything but the romantic comedy people make it out to be. I am grateful for his friendship every day but in no way do either of us have feelings for each other. Here're a few things that do in fact happen when you are a girl with a guy best friend.
1. You do not magically fall in love at any point.
There will never be a moment where you both stare into each other's eyes and fall in love. We are simply friends.
2. The thought of anything romantic repulses both of you.
There have been multiple times where people have said, "Oh but I bet you guys will hook up" and I want to hurl. We don't. We won't. Gross.
3. When you go to a restaurant, the waiter/waitress always assumes you are dating and hands him the bill.
In fact, in all cases, I pay for the food so if you could so kindly just give me the check. Plus, we are in the 21st century. Why is it that the boy has to pay?!
4. Everyone ALWAYS tells you, "You two are going to end up getting married."
Marriage means we will have to do things couples do. We don't ever want to do that with each other. We look at each other like siblings. Ew. Once again, gross. Once again, we are simply friends.
5. No matter what people think, we never cuddle.
We actually don't even sit on the same couch.
6. We tell each other EVERYTHING.
I know everything, he knows everything. We are both pretty disgusted by one another's doings. We do not wish to do said things together at any point. Thanks, but no.
7. He is a way better friend then most girls.
Which is exactly the reason why we both don't want to ruin our friendship. Friendship lasts forever and our relationships don't. Trust me, we are both awful at them so let us just stick to friendship.
8. We don't try and sabotage each other's relationships.
We are genuinely happy for one another when we are in relationships. We both support each other's relationships and hope for the best for each other. We do not try to break each other up.
9. You have inside jokes that make absolutely no sense.
Most of them are mainly just me making fun of something he said that came out wrong. But, hey, it's comedic gold sometimes.
10. You have some pretty awful photos of him.
And he has some pretty awful photos of you. I think I have about 200 saved up.
11. You make fun of him a lot.
His singing, his car, his face, his life. Pretty much everything. All done with love, though, of course. Remember, not romantic love.
12. You have jam sessions in the car all the time.
Plus, you have the Miley/Liam Last Song moment minus the gushy feelings. You may think it's really cute, but it's just him singing awfully.
*And she WILL (voice cracks) be loved.*
13. He's one of your biggest supporters.
I don't think there was a single solo during my high school career where he didn't hug me after and tell me I did a good job. (Mainly because he know's I'm my own worst critic.)
14. You make him take a picture at important events.
He doesn't enjoy it, but he does it. And for that I am grateful.
15. He is truly the best friend you could ever ask for.
I am so grateful to have him in my life on a daily basis. He is my best friend and has been there for me through thick and thin, day in and day out. I wouldn't trade our friendship for the world.