15 Things You Shouldn't Be Afraid To Say At WVU | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things You Shouldn't Be Afraid To Say At WVU

WVU has many similarities to other colleges, but it has its own personality. There are some stereotypical things you hear on our campus.

15 Things You Shouldn't Be Afraid To Say At WVU

Welcome home, Mountaineers! And welcome to all the freshmen attending this fall. Here are 15 common things you will hear or even say this fall. Some may even help you on your journey here at West Virginia University.

1. "Hi, my name is…"

Whether you're coming back to campus or it's your first year, it is a good idea to get to know the people in your classes. It could be the start of a friendship or just a helpful acquaintanceship with someone in class.

2. "When are your office hours?"

All professors are required to have office hours in order to help their students. Take advantage of these. If you don't fully understand a concept, the best person to ask is the person teaching the class.

3. "Where is your office?"

Like in #2, you will want to seek help from your professors. You may know when the office hours are, but you have no idea where those office hours will be! The best way to find out is to look at your syllabus and walk around campus. You may even run into some new friends along the way.

4. "Which Scantron do I need?"

Exams... You hear that word and many cringe at the thought. Professors across campus will use these sheets to grade your exams. Answers are entered by darkening bubbles that correspond to the correct answer. There are many different types of scantrons, so MAKE SURE you ask your professor or look at your syllabus to make sure you have the right one.

5. "Attendance is mandatory..."

Every college lecture has different policies. The most common is this: You can only miss three days before a letter grade is dropped. If you miss something in class, it is your responsibility to get the information.

Some of these ultimatums may sound harsh when heard or read, but your professor is not a demon. These are rules that they also have to follow. If you have to miss class because of illness, a family issue, or something else drastic, they will help you the best they can. They want you to succeed just as much as you do.

6. "Can you repeat that?"

You're halfway through your 8:30 A.M. lecture and doze off for a brief second. Do not be afraid to raise your hand and ask the professor to repeat what they said. It is quite likely that others may have missed the same information that you did. If raising your hand isn't really your thing, then you should speak to the professor after class or go to office hours to get help.

7. "Is that for free?"

Most college students are BROKE!!! Any time that you walk across campus, it will soon become an instinct to stop by those groups of people handing out doughnuts or t-shirts!

8. "Better get to the Lair early for Chick-fil-A!"

Welcome to West Virginia University, where Mountaineers are always free and the Chick-fil-a line is a mile long.

The Mountainlair at WVU recently received a remodel that made our Chick-fil-A even bigger. As a result, maybe the average student's struggle to eat fried chicken will be a bit easier. Get in line quickly as it's best to get there early. Once those 10 A.M. lectures let out, the crowd begins to form.

9. "The Coliseum is full… Again."

This is not something you'd typically hear from a first-year student, but parking is the worst. The Coliseum parking lot is free for everyone and is limited on basketball game days. The lot does fill up quickly in the morning, so if you plan to park your car there for the day, you should arrive there around 8:30 to secure a spot...

10. "Has the _________ bus come by?"

For those traveling to and from campus via bus, it can be difficult to keep track of the buses. I've been asked this question many times, standing by the Life Sciences Building (where many buses stop). If you are having trouble catching your bus there are several apps out there to help you track the bus you need. The app I use is called "Mountain Line Transit Authority Bus Finder". If it is an apartment bus you are looking for, there may be a way to track their bus. Just contact your leasing office to ask!

11. "I have to take the B&E Stairs… Again."

Every WVU student will encounter the stairs next to the Business & Economics building. They are steep... And you will probably traverse these demonic steps multiple times a day. Make sure you bring a water bottle with you and take your time on days with bad weather. I've seen many students slip down these stairs...

12. "Is the PRT down?"

The PRT makes WVU very unique. It allows students to get across campus in a timely manner. BUTTTTT... It is often in need of maintenance. The PRT can also stop while you're on it. Arriving late for a class and saying that the PRT is down is something that the professors of WVU understand. The University does a great job of keeping everyone updated on the status of the PRT.

If you ever question using the PRT after you get out of class, consult your MIX account. It is constantly updating information on the PRT. If checking MIX isn't quite your style, download the "WVU Mobile" app from the App Store or the Play Store. It will tell you what is going on with the PRT and has maps to help you find your way around campus.

13. "Eat s**t, Pitt!"

"SWEET CAROLINE! EAT S**T PITT!!" You will hear this on game days, in the parking lot, in class, in dining halls, in bathrooms, during club meetings, walking around campus, on the bus, on the PRT, or even at the hospital. Wherever you are, there is always a chance that you will hear someone yell this. If you are a WVU student, chances are you will join in...

14. "Let's GO, Mountaineers!"

Much like the previous, you can hear the proud chant of the Mountaineers anywhere on campus. Saying this gives you a sense of pride with every echoing response. LET'S GO... MOUNTAINEERS!

15. "Take me home, country roads!"

This is a song known world-wide and that is sung at the conclusion of any WVU sporting event where the Mountaineers come out on top. Something every student should experience is swaying with the sweaty, drunk person next to them as you sing "Country Roads" after a WVU victory.

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