So, what is so significant about this three-week mark? Today started the first day of fall, tomorrow the second. Aka no more summer, and the beach is officially closed. It's still a hundred degrees out, and my dorm room AC is still broken. We are all finally comfy in are cardboard box dorms room we call home, and are hopefully showing up to our not so fun classes. Here are fifteen not so positive things we realize at this point in the semester.
1. Sylly week is over.
It was all fun and games while it lasted, but now I'm broke and I don't even know where my syllabus is.
2. I can't do class anymore.
I have twelve papers due and my blackboard is exploding.
3. I guess it's time to do laundry.
When one load of laundry cost $2.50 a wash, you make it fit .
4. I need water, shampoo, toilet paper, lotion, and everything else.
Good thing I have a total of $0.97 in my bank account.
5. I should probably call my mom.
"I miss you and the dog. Can you come and bring him here please?"
6. Motivation Level.
7. Where are all my clothes??
The weekend: aka a shopping spree in each other's closets.
8. What is my major, and why did I choose it?
Why would any normal human being decide to be a biochemical engineer surgeon?
9. I need a job.
I don't want to work cause I will miss fun things. If I don't work how will I pay for these fun things?
10. I'm gonna drop out and become a prostitute.
The average prostitute grosses around $US 290,000 in turnover per year. And guess what? No one will care what you got in college algebra.
11. I wonder what it's like to sleep.
When you actually have the opportunity to sleep, fifteen other priorities will pop up.
12. Why do textbooks cost hundreds of dollars?
This gigantic book of paper cost three hundred dollars. Three hundred dollars, on top of my twenty thousand dollar tuition. That I will never use again after this semester.
13. Why didn't I transfer?
For three years I have said I'm leaving this school. I still hate this place. I am still here.
14. I hate this school and the food, and everything in it.
I miss real food and being able to open a door without having to swipe my ID and carry around keys. I am in prison.
15. There is still 13 weeks left in the semester.
We're not even halfway through it, it's just getting started.