Being a writer can be... interesting. Here are 15 things only writers can understand.
1. If you distract us while we're writing, violence may ensue. You've been warned.
2. Writing can be difficult, and many times you'll be stuck, frustrated or lost in the creative process. It's more often than not that our days look like this:
3. But good days are more like this:
4. Some of what we write can be crazy, weird, dark, or straight up socially unacceptable. Readers asking if we're OK is pretty normal.
5. And for the most part we're good, but sometimes our creative side can be a little scary.
6. Killing characters can be hard, and sometimes we have to be thick-skinned about it if it's essential to the story.
7. But at some point we always end up like this:
8. It can be hard to find other people who share your passion, so meeting other writers is just about the best thing ever.
9. We've come to learn that deadlines are mere suggestions.
10. The writing industry is hard, and getting sponsored is tough. We have to put on our best faces for agents and publishers, which usually resembles this:
11. So you don't have to remind us how bad the job market is. Trust us, we know.
12. We get about a million people who ask to be the dedication...
13. ...But we're saving that for someone special
14. Writer's block is just about the worst thing in all eternity.
15. Even though it has its ups and downs, writing is our biggest passion. Nothing can stop us from achieving our goals and creating some awesome stories!