You could have seen a band or artist live multiple times, but it doesn’t change the excitement you have for their next show. Your summer consists of concerts and music festival line ups, and you’re okay with spending a few paychecks to meet your favorite artist. Those who aren’t concert junkies just don’t grasp the concept, and think you have lost your sanity. I know you haven’t, because I’m the same way. All concert crazies can understand these feelings.
1. Waiting for a band/artist to announce their upcoming tour.
They’ve been dropping hints like no other that they’re going to be hitting the road in a few months. Guess we just have to be patient.
2. Waiting for them to announce which cities they’re going to be playing in.
Now that they’ve announced the name of the tour, they make us wait for the cities and dates.
3. Finding out the closest show is hours away from you.
As soon as you see the band tweet that the dates and cities were announced, you scan the list to find the closest show to you. Only a three hour drive? You’ll be there.
4. Convincing your friends to road trip with you.
You don’t have a problem with a road trip, but your concert buddy doesn’t like long car rides. I’ll buy you some merch if you be my co-pilot!
5. The stress of buying tickets.
You have everything planned out- which show(s) you’re going to, who is going with you, etc. And now it comes down to buying tickets. Ticketmaster is the devil when it comes to sales, may the odds be ever in your favor.
6. The countdown.
Once you have those tickets in your hand, the countdown is officially on.
7. The excitement when concert day has finally arrived.
In a few hours you’re going to be standing in the same venue as the band you’ve been counting down to see. Breathe in, breathe out.
8. The importance of getting to a general admission show early.
When you’re about to leave in the morning for a show and your parents ask what time the show starts- you tell them doors open in 12 hours and they just don’t understand.
9. Having to fight someone for a drum stick or sweat towel.
The drummer was throwing that drum stick at you, not the person next to you!
10. Moments before the band/artist takes the stage.
Your heart is beating a little faster and the adrenaline is starting to kick in.
11. The first sight of them.
12. Hearing your favorite song live.
Nothing beats hearing your favorite song live, the words just sound 10x better.
13. Singing along.
When the singer holds the microphone up to the crowd and everyone in the audience sings in sync, it gives you goosebumps.
14. The encore.
You just need to see them one last time before you go stalk them near their tour bus.
15. Post-concert depression.
That moment a concert ends is the moment it kicks in. And it won’t go away till you’re in the audience of their next show.