15 Things You Must Do If You Are In Northeast Ohio | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things You Must Do If You Are In Northeast Ohio

A few fun things to do in NE Ohio

15 Things You Must Do If You Are In Northeast Ohio

Spending some time in northeast Ohio? Going for a visit, or maybe you already live here? If you're looking for something to do, there are plenty of places to go. If you're in the area for a while, or even just passing through, here are fifteen fun things to do in Northeast Ohio:

The first couple are located in downtown Cleveland

1. Cleveland Botanical Gardens

The Cleveland Botanical Gardens are absolutely gorgeous. With plenty of programs and beautiful exhibits, it's a really relaxing place to go and walk around.

2. Great Lakes Brewery Co.

A great place to go in, sit down, and enjoy local foods. "As GLBC expands, new businesses sprout, and Ohio City gradually evolves into a bustling place to work, play, and brew."

3. West Side Market

From meats and produce to delicious desserts and other treats, West Side Market is a fun place to visit and taste-test plenty of local foods. "You can find not only fine meats and fresh vegetables, but also fresh seafood, baked goods, dairy and cheese products, and even fresh flowers."

4. The JACK

Gambling, food, and entertainment: The JACK has it all.

5. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

I think the name is pretty self-explanatory.

6. Playhouse Square

A wonderful place to watch plays, musicals and a large array of different shows.

7. The Q

The Quicken Loans Arena is home to our beloved Cleveland Cavaliers, but if you visit at the right time, you may be able to get tickets to a concert or show taking place there.

These next few are found in downtown Kent

I was pleased to find that downtown Kent has really evolved into a bustling place with lots to do, and the following are a few of the places I visited during a day I spent there recently:

8. Red Letter Days

An adorable little stationary https://www.redletterdayskent.com/ shop for artists, writers, and readers.

9. Carnaby Street Style

A cute shop with great styles, and a little corner for Ohio Proud t-shirts and sweatshirts.

10. Twisted Meltz

The best grilled-cheese sandwiches around.

And the city that's near and dear to my heart, Akron:

11. Highland Square

Highland Square has a variety of things to do.

12. Swenson's

My personal favorite NE Ohio drive-in restaurant. If you visit be sure to try one of their famous Galley Boy's, and I always like to go for the fried zucchini or mushrooms with a California to top it all off.

13. Lock 3

Lock 3 offers plenty of seasonal events like concerts, ice-skating and easter egg hunts, just visit their website to see what's going on when you're in town.

14. Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens

With a gorgeous estate, and even more beautiful gardens, Stan Hywet is a lovely place to visit.

15. Summit Metro Parks

Located all over Summit County, the metro parks are great for hiking, biking, and just enjoying yourself. One of my personal favorite locations is the F.A. Seiberling Nature Realm.

These are just a few of the many great places in Northeast Ohio, if you have any others you'd like to add to the list, please leave their names/website links below in the comments!

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