When living in another state other than New Jersey, you begin to notice all the amazing things you miss from home. For those Jersey lovers out there, here are 15 things we miss once we leave our wonderful state!
1. The endless amount of malls/shopping centers!
2. How wonderful it is to have diners open 24/7!
3. Pizza from New Jersey is like no other; it's absolutely delicious!
4. Bagels are incomparable!
5. But seriously, no one understands how bagels and pizza are so much better in New Jersey!
6. Whether you call it Taylor Ham or Pork Roll, placing this on a bagel with eggs and cheese is magical experience!
7. Not having to pump your own gas because you have no idea how to do it yourself
8. And having the least expensive gas in the country!
9. Living in a state that has actual beaches; perfect for summer!
10. We love our major professional sports teams such as New York Giants and New York Jets; even though they are considered New York teams, they all play in New Jersey
11. For some reason, any season seems to be more enjoyable and beautiful!
12. Whether it's Philadelphia or New York City, you are just a train ride to a major city!
13. New Jersey has so many beautiful skyline views!
14. In other states, driving so aggressively doesn't seem to be expected!
15. The abundant amount of WaWas