Modern Family is a classic American sitcom, showcasing the love and dysfunction that every family experiences. It centers around the Dunphy family (Phil, Claire, and their kids Haley, Alex and Luke), Claire Dunphy's father and his (significantly younger, new) wife and her son, and Claire's brother, his husband, and their adopted daughter, Lily. Every episode introduces, in sometimes an insane, chaotic way, a new lesson we can learn about what happens when so many different people find themselves stuck together in this world. Sisters Alex and Haley couldn't be more different, yet there is a lot they got right about what it is like to have a sister.
1. Some days, you hate them
Living with someone since childhood does that to a person, let's be honest.
2. And some days, you hate them a little less
The snarky comments carry a little less venom behind them.
3. They give you fashion advice
It isn't always nice, but sometimes it's what you need to hear.
4. Really, it's like having a second closet
Then you move away to college and realize you actually have to have your own wardrobe now and you feel so lost *sniff*
(It's worth noting that in this GIF she's referring to her Albert Einstein shirt)
5. They show you that we all have different strengths
It 's annoying to know someone with the same DNA as you is so much better at math, let's be real.
6. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing
Being different is what makes us interesting, right?
7. They rat you out
And if you're an older sibling, you know this face all too well.
8. But they also back you up to your parents sometimes
Typically when it's benefiting them as well, but it still counts9. They let you be yourself
They get to see the side of you that no one else ever gets to see (or wants to see, for that matter).
10. They give you worldly advice
These are the kinds of things you can't learn in school, people.
11. They let you know when you need to check yourself
Like fashion advice, it isn't always easy to hear.
12. But they don't mind admitting to you when they need to check themselves, too
However, they will only admit that to you and no one else, so if you tell someone else about it they'll deny ever saying anything.
13. They always have your back
They might not make it obvious always, but they do.
14. You miss them when they're gone
Or when you're gone, if you're the oldest
15. But they're always just a Facetime/phone call/Snapchat away
Any hour of any day of any week... It's a blessing and a burden.
Yes, having a sister makes life more interesting in every possible way, but the coolest thing about it is that you're never alone. You have fun, argue over everything, and grow up together. No matter where you go in life, you always have someone in your corner.
Sisters by birth, friends by choice.