From the hustle and bustle in the streets, to the fast pace of the tube, it is easy to get caught up in all of the commotion of London and miss out on some great finds in London. This past summer, I was able to see many sights, from the typical Big Ben to the not-so-typical Greenwich Ecology Park as part of my Biology course. Don't miss out on these 15 places you have to see if you go to London, England. Take note that some of these places are just out of London, but still worth the visit!
1. The Natural History Museum
If the grand architecture isn't impressive enough, you have to see what's inside! They have dinosaurs, mammals, human biology, artwork, and much more. I went here as one of my first excursions on my study abroad trip and simply fell in love!
I spent hours inside this amazing museum and only was able to see half of it! There is so much to learn and see here.
2. The Royal Botanical Kew Gardens
This place was not only gorgeous, but also very interesting to those interested in plants, ecology or biology in general. There were beautiful flowers galore. They had multiple greenhouses, controlled to match different climates around the world. The journey is a long one, but worth it for sure.
3. Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square is a very interesting location in London. Right around the corner are many different attractions, from the National Gallery to the River Thames. Not only this, but you will experience some fantastic street performers! This area has been featured in many films and television shows as well.
4. The View of the Tower Bridge from the London Bridge
Many people confuse the Tower Bridge for the London Bridge, since it's so huge and attractive. The London Bridge is not much to see, however, quoting one of my tour guides, "The best part of the London Bridge is the view it gives to the Tower Bridge". This was no joke!
5. Riding the Tube
Is it a subway? No. A metro? No. A train? No. This fancy method of public transportation is called the tube, or also acceptably named the Underground Rail Service. You really cannot say you've been to London unless you've taken a spin on the tube.
6. Westminster Abbey
If there is one really touristy place you go, let it be Westminster Abbey. You can't experience this in any other way other than going. They don't allow photography inside, so you must go for yourself! It is filled with beautiful memorials to many people including Winston Churchill, William Shakespeare, John Keats, and many kings and queens. This should be on your bucket list!
7. A Farmers' Market
If all of the different animals aren't reason enough to go here, just remember the scene from the first Harry Potter movie filmed at the Reptile and Amphibian House at the London Zoo! This was such an interesting experience, and way different than any tourist attraction.
If you're feeling really brave, you can check out the venomous, free-range spider room. Yes, I said free-range, venomous spiders.
9. Trying the DNA Beer at the Eagle
Even if you don't drink, like me, it is worth the experience. There is a pub in Cambridge, just outside of London, where Watson and Crick used to go every day. This seat is the very place they announced their discovery of the DNA double helix structure, and because of this, the pub named one of their beers "DNA". This was such a cool place to see.
10. London Walks Tours
This is one of the most important things you could do while you are in London. There are so many different types of tours available for any type of interest. Personally, I went on a literature walk, a tour of Cambridge, and a Harry Potter walking tour. The guides are so enthusiastic about their tour's subject and keep it interesting. Here is a recreating of the scene from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
11. The Charles Darwin Down House
I had the privilege to travel here with my Biology class, and it was so worth it. His house was just beautiful, and so was his garden. There was a lot of his character built in to the layout of the house. For example, his bedroom overlooked the garden so he could ponder the species he saw out the window. Also, his house is in a small little area far out of the city which is a nice rest from the crowded streets.
12. Camden Town 
This picture was actually taken on our walk through Camden Town toward the London Zoo. Camden Town is a lively atmosphere with markets, shops, souvenir places, and much more. There are so many interesting characters throughout which make the area interesting.
A prime example of some of the people you may find in Camden Town.
13. Buckingham Palace
I know this is a very typical place to see in London, but I do highly recommend visiting Buckingham Palace. It is located in a beautiful courtyard with statutes everywhere and magnificent gates. Not only that, but there are other hidden gems nearby that are related to the royalty, including the Royal Mews where you can see all of the different types of carriages they take in special events.
This is the carriage used in coronation ceremonies.
14. The Royal Society
One of my most memorable excursions was when we went to the Royal Society. We booked a session and were able to view the original publications of the Royal Society, including this one with their signatures present. I was amazed by how well they have preserved these artifacts over the hundreds of years,
15. The English Countryside
Again, I must stress the importance of stepping away from the busy city and experiencing more of what London has to offer. Just a small drive out of the city can take you to somewhere as beautiful as this.
There is just so much to see when traveling through London. I didn't even make a dent into the list of places I wanted to see, and I was there for a month. If you ever do decide to go, please check these locations out. I'm telling you, they were extraordinary.