Being a lifeguard is no easy task. Being responsible for so many people of all age and abilities while they're in the water isn't as easy as just sitting on a chair and getting a good tan. To balance out the stressful days though, there are always the calm ones where time seems to slow down and the rays from the sun are that much stromger. When you feel like you're going to melt through your all-day shift, here's a few things you probably say (at least once!):
1. Good morning!/Have a nice night!
Lifeguards always have to be polite... even to people we would rather never see again.
2. Please sign in.
Many pools require visitors to sign in when they arrive, yet people always forget.
3. Don't dive!
Unless the pool has a diving board, chances are diving isn't allowed. It's probably listed in the rules and also painted along the side of the pool, but we have to constantly remind people anyway.
4. Do you want a water bottle?
If you work with multiple people, its easier if you get along. Part of getting along is asking if the other person/people would like a water bottle every time you go to the refrigerator.
5. Are you okay?
Obviously lifeguards know when someone needs saving, but kids will cough, cry, scream and/or freak out for the strangest reasons. Its better to be safe than sorry!
6. I literally told you not to do that five minutes ago...
Some people will never learn.
7. Was that thunder?
No one wants to make people stop swimming if they don't have to, but it can be hard to tell sometimes. It could just be wishful thinking...
8. Please don't eat near the pool.
Food makes crumbs, and crumbs go in the pool (ew!) or attract bugs (double ew!).
9. I need more sunscreen.
There's no doubt lifeguards get great tans, but we also go through an unbelievable amout of sunscreen. Whether its for us or the swimmers (or both), we can never have enough.
10. Please calm down!.
Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
11. Don't yell for help unless you need it!
It seems like common sense, unfortunately little kids don't seem to know better.
12. [Insert place here] is this way.
Having new people everyday means repeatedly telling people where everything is and how to get places.
13. Twenty minutes until there's a half hour 'til three o'clock which means we're half way through the day!
When you work 8 1/2 hours a day (or more!), there's a constant countdown to closing time.
14. Don't hang on the rope.
You know the rope. Everyone knows the rope. The one that separates the shallow end from the deep end and is apparently irresistible to hang on, sit on and pretty much everything you're not supposed to do to it.
15. Don't run!
This is 15th on the list because lifeguards say this at least 15 times a day, sometimes more. It becomes such a habit that we naturally have to say it when we see anyone running, even outside of work.