I started my 459th attempt to lose weight roughly four months ago.
To my shock, these efforts have not fallen off the bandwagon like the previous 458 attempts before it. This time I set my mind to it and knew I was going to succeed. Though I am nowhere near the end of my weight loss journey and am only a few months in, I have already learned several things along the way.
1. A morning IV of Caffeine isn't necessary.
You don't have to have a Venti every morning to motivate you to get out of bed and get moving. Though that Vanilla Coke is tempting at lunch, it is not what gets you through your day. Giving up caffeine is all a mind game. I had convinced myself that I had to have it to get through my terrible Monday. I've learned though that water quenches my thirst even better, and my face that was starting to breakout from the excessive consumption of caffeine now adores me!
2. Healthy doesn't have to be time-consuming.
Fitness Instagram stars and infamous healthy cook shows demonstrate how to turn squash to spaghetti, and how to steam your side dish of organic veggies you just hand picked from your homegrown garden. Let's face it, most people don't always have time for this. I thought healthy meant setting aside countless hours to make this big, organic, green feast and spoon countless portion measured cups of food into reusable containers during 'meal prep'. This is false. Healthy can mean crap, I didn't have time to go grocery shopping this weekend so I'll have to stop by the store on my way to work and grab some sliced bell peppers and a Greek yogurt. (To be honest, this is most days for me). Eating fatty food because it's convenient is no longer an excuse.
3. Nobody can do it for you; you have to do it for you.
I learned that accountability partners aren't accountable. They won't want to go to the gym when you do, and unfortunately they won't be there screaming at you to get out of bed and hit the treadmill when your alarm goes off. Teach yourself to rely on yourself.
4. Skip the so called 'diet,' just eat healthy.
I have never once within the past four months told myself, or anyone else that I'm on a 'diet.' I have simply said, "I'm getting healthy." The label of 'diet' already makes me want to go eat a Big Mac just because I feel like I can't. Diets restrict you and make you miserable. Let's face it, nobody likes a hangry (hungry & angry) person, especially when it's a permanent mood. When I focus on eating healthy, I find myself making the right choices because I have chosen to. I make healthy choices because I want to, as opposed to the fact that the program I'm following, the trendy diet detox I pinned on Pinterest, or the latest weight loss book I'm reading tells me I can't. I'm choosing better for myself. There is no one, nobody, no rule, and no regulation constricting my choices, only me condemning my poor choices.
5. The hardest part of losing weight is not watching what you eat, it's watching what everyone else eats.
The times that your work has a pitch in and there's the ultimate dirt pudding, your boyfriend buys your favorite Oreo's, or the gas station has your favorite Tiger Tail donuts will always be your greatest challenge. You can snack on your carrots all day long, but it's when you're snacking on carrots while everyone else at your table eats fried chicken, supreme pizza, and iced brownies that your carrots start to taste a little bland.
6. Hungry is certainly an emotion, and you will begin to feel it in the deepest parts of your soul.
So chug water. ^^chug, chug, chug, chug^^
7. You cannot control everything in your life, but you can control what you put in your body.
Find comfort in doing good for yourself and bike your worries away one sweat particle at a time. Just because it seems like everything else is falling apart doesn't mean that your body needs to fall by the wayside with it!
8. Don't follow your heart, it will lead you to the fridge.
And following in tow with #8, look at #9...
9. Listen to your jeans.
Your heart may say chocolate and Taco Bell burritos, but your jeans say eat a salad and run a marathon. When you feel them starting to get a little snug again, as opposed to baggier, get back on the band wagon sooner rather than later. Your jeans will thank you.
10. Look in the mirror, that's your greatest competition.
The biggest thing you have to conquer to lose weight is yourself. You'll pep talk yourself into thinking you deserve that peanut butter oreo shake from Sonic because you worked hard at the gym, this is contradicting. Don't get me wrong, you have to indulge every now and then, but not every day or every three days for that matter.
11. Your body will be around much longer than any expensive handbag, invest in yourself.
You may have wanted that cute Betsey Johnson or Michael Kors purse at TJ Maxx, but purchase the Quest protein shake instead. Your return will be far greater.
12. Only eat what you need.
Simple enough, don't eat to eat.
13. Weight loss can be fun!
Go to Zumba. Buy new pants because your old ones are sagging. Follow countless fitness coaches Instagram's for ideas to switch up your workouts. It doesn't have to be mundane & boring.
14. You'll never cross the finish line if you don't celebrate each and every victory, no matter its size.
You only lost two pounds. So what?! At least you didn't gain two, or five for that matter.
15. Self-love.
Love yourself enough to say that you accept the body you already have, but you're just helping it reach its full potential.