Reflecting on growing up and thinking I had everything figured out. However, there are a few things I realize now that I wish I'd thought about when I was figuring out who I was in high school. Back then, everything seemed like the end of the damn world. But now, it can be agreed that all of it didn't matter. A few rules to live by as we become strong women in our society today...
1. Don't spend more than $10 on Mascara.
Growing up, I thought that to be cool I had to have the most elite makeup and outfits and designer bags etc. Of course, all of that stuff is nice but when you get to college it doesn't matter if you get your eyeliner and mascara and CVS or Sephora - it's all the same.
2. If he cheats on you, leave.
People are NOT supposed to make you feel like you're inferior. If he gives you a gut feeling that he's going to go out and talk/mess around with other girls, leave. You'll never get back the time he wasted.
3. STOP subtweeting!
If you're dealing with some messy drama, head over to your best friends house and vent with a tub of chocolate ice cream by your side. When you're upset STAY OFF social media (something I'm still working on).
4. Call your Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles more than just on holidays.
These are the people (other than your parents) that love you the most. Don't forget to call them every so often to let them know how you're doing. They care more than you think.
5. Some people will look for 100 reasons not to like you - don't let this bother you.
Some people you come across in life will find ways to make you seem worse than you are. They'll talk about you and put you down. You can't let this bother you, they're doing it to break you down- do just the opposite stand up.
6. You were beautiful before the tall boy with the kind eyes told you so.
He can be everything you hoped for in a boy and then out of nowhere it can end. Be okay with endings. You still had beautiful eyes before he looked into them.
7. Listen to your mother - she can catch a fake friend way before you can.
If your mother/father isn't too fond of someone you've been spending time with 10/10 times they are catching a bad friend before you can. Heed the warning and keep an eye open.
8. Prom is not the "best night of your life" but go anyway.
Prom night is not the equivalent to prom nights in the movies, but you will regret it forever if you don't attend. Get all dressed up, eat food with your class and drop it low. Play dress up, dance with prince charming its part of the whole high school thing.
9. Don't compare yourself to others.
Comparing yourself to other people only takes time away from being successful yourself. Focus on yourself.
10. Learn to apologize.
Be aware that sometimes you are in the wrong, and that making other people feel upset says a lot more about you than about other people. Know when to apologize and when you do apologize it will feel great.
11. Never try to impress people; impress yourself.
Take yourself out to coffee, go shopping alone, write in a coffee shop on a lonely Sunday. Be in love with yourself, be proud of yourself, you'll soon be impressed with how you've changed.
12. Learn to forgive and forget.
Jeopardizing your own happiness because someone else hurt you is a sure way to become depressed and unable to enjoy life. Learn to forgive people and then learn to let them go. You'll be so much happier without any enemies or fights lingering into your mind every now and then.
13. Eat the cookie.
Eat the cookie. I know you're counting your calories this week but, if the cookie makes you happy eat it. Maybe with some milk.. and second cookie.
14. Step outside of the box.
Try your hardest do go out and do things that you wouldn't normally do, try new things. Go skydiving, backpack around Europe. If the opportunity presents itself always take it.
15. At all costs learn to love yourself.
Do whatever you need to do to love yourself. Make some changes and avoid "societal norms". Live and dance and sing and be brave be ambitious.
Not everything is serious - stop making it that way. Live, Breathe, Dance in the rain, Sing in the car at the top of your lungs at 17, and most importantly, be ambitious, dream big and never look back.