If you've never been to Kelly's Taproom, just know that it's the closest thing to a club the Main Line has to offer its many college students. That being said, it's probably the most populated bar on any given Saturday night throughout the academic year. If you have been to Kelly's, then these 15 thoughts have definitely popped into your head at one point or another!
1. I love how sticky this floor is (not!).
For some reason, people in this bar can't avoid spilling their drinks everywhere. It's like stepping in gum over and over and over.
2. Wow, look at all the Nova kids.
Whether you're from Villanova or not, you can always tell the Nova kids from the rest, especially during basketball season.
3. That guy is super drunk.
There's always one who is so much worse than the others.
4. These bouncers probably don't get paid enough.
There's no amount of money in the world that would make this job worth the hassle.
5. That is an intense makeout session. They probably just met on Tinder.
You're in the club. You're dancing, having a good time. You turn around, and in your face is a couple making out so intently (and disgustingly) they can't possibly have been dating for any serious amount of time. YOLO.
6. Groups of drunk girls are the worst.
We've all been there, honey. Maybe just go home?
7. Someone definitely just spilled beer on my head.
Raining beer is not as fun as it sounds!
8. Comments about the DJ.
Mostly choruses of "Wait I loved that song! Why'd he change it..."
9. I hope none of these people are driving.
No, not classic. Don't do it.
10. I bet I could make a lot of money Ubering here.
But I might also do this.
11. Why is that guy dressed up as _______?
Snow White? A nun? Simba? The possibilities are endless.
12. I think I've actually spent more time waiting to get a cup of water than I did on my winged eyeliner.
So. Thirsty.
13. What time is it?
I feel you, Chris Pratt. It's like a casino and then suddenly you're thrust into the cold night air and... holy shit is it 2am?!
14. Who is touching my leg?
Hand? Butt? Beer? Keep it away!
15. Where did my small friend go?
They always disappear! This is why we can't have nice things.
At the end of the night, you know Kelly's Taproom is the place to be on a Saturday. You loved every second of the craziness and can't wait to come back!