15 Things I've Learned In My Twenties So Far | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things I've Learned In My Twenties So Far

Some of the best years of your life might also be the hardest.

15 Things I've Learned In My Twenties So Far

Oh, the infamous twenties. I'd heard it was a time period in which a lot of life lessons are learned. Friends and family members alike all say that your twenties are years to remember.

Looking back, I couldn't wait to turn 20 because of all the fun it brought. Drinking, clubs, college, and liberty. Who was I kidding? It's all fun and games until reality catches up with you. Even though I am only 22, many valuable lessons have been learned thus far. Here are some of them.

1. Savings accounts are not our enemies.

At our age, who wants to hear about saving? I definitely didn't...not until my car needed new tires, or until I needed to pay certain things I wasn't prepared to handle. It always helps to have extra cash saved, just in case because ya never know what will come up.

2. Friends come and go.

This was a major reality check for me this year. I always heard the saying, "you'll learn who your real friends are after high school, or in college." Ain't that the truth. We all have plenty and different things going on in our lives, and sometimes friends won't stick around. That's life and it won't always be a big deal.

3. Staying fit is actually important.

I can't stress this enough. College, finances, relationships, etc cause so much stress and anxiety which lead us to eat or drink too much. Exercise is a major key in dealing with stress, as well as looking and feeling your best.

4. Follow your dreams and don't pay mind to others.

Don't be afraid to aim high and follow your dreams, whatever they may be. Don't let others interfere with doing so with their negativity. You'll be the one doing your dream, not them. If your dream is to become an astronaut, then do what it takes to get there and never give up. Don't ever let anyone get in your way.

5. Partying isn't really all that it's made out to be.

I can't stress this enough. I was so excited when I turned 21 because I was finally able to go out clubbing and drinking. Ha! It was fun while it lasted. Looking back, it was just a bunch of blurred nights, bad choices, and not enough sleep.

6. Sleep is crucial.

The older you get, the more you crave a nap. Long days at work and school have me wanting to constantly put a blanket and pillow out and sleep. You need your sleep to fully function during the day.

7. Family will get you through life.

Family has never failed me. They are there during the toughest and best times. They know how to make you laugh and smile, for the most part. They can also provide the best kind of wisdom. They love unconditionally and support you through thick and thin.

8. Traveling is key.

Since I was young, traveling has always been a major part of my life. Now that I'm 22, I try and travel as much as I can. Exploring new cities and different adventures is an incredible growth experience that you could not get elsewhere. Plus, life is short! So, get on that plane to.. anywhere you can!

9. Having a hobby is important.

Taking up a hobby is one of many ways to stay sane and happy. There are so many to choose from, too! Reading, hiking, traveling...there's an infinite amount!

10. You don't always need money to have fun.

Hey, we aren't making much money in college, so it's completely OK and common to feel broke! Money isn't required to have fun. There are so many free events around, especially for college students, that you can enjoy. Just go on Google, and you'll find plenty of exciting opportunities to indulge in!

11. Relationships are tough and will not always work out the way you want them to.

I feel is like this a major part of growing up. You'll start realizing that people come and go. Whether they're boyfriends, girlfriends, or even friends, relationships sometimes suck. However, it is a major part of maturing because you get to realize which type of person you actually want to be with.

12. Failing at something is actually OK.

I have seen people panic because they didn't do something as well as they intended, or at all. It's OKAY to fail at things sometimes. It's how you learn and grow. If you fail at something, get back up and try again.

13. Don't hold grudges.

Try not to hold onto anything negative in your life. Grudges are only a burden to yourself. Learn to forgive and let go. Life will be a lot less stressful when you learn to care less about those who don't care much for you.

14. Don't sweat the small stuff.

We all tend blow up small issues. No need to ruin your day or week over something minor. Try to take a step back, recognize it's triviality and move on.

15. It's OK if you don't have it all together.

One of my biggest anxieties is about not settling on a major and graduating college on time with most of my friends. It took a while to realize that it's really OK. Everyone goes at their own pace. It's OK that I may not have it all together right now, because I'm working towards my goal. Even though your twenties can be tough, we must not forget to enjoy life and appreciate what we have.. As often as possible.. Life goes by so quickly, so try not to dwell on things out of your control.

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