My sophomore year of high school, I started to date my secret crush and best friend since the eighth grade. Fast forward to nearly four years later: we just finished our first year of college together at Towson University, which is about an hour from our hometown. Before we begin, let me introduce you to a few things that fell into the right (or wrong) places that made us neighbors.
First, we both chose the same college. This wasn’t entirely on purpose, we each had our own reasons for attending Towson, but the fact that our best friend would be there was definitely a huge bonus!
Second, we both applied for Towson’s Honors College, and he was accepted, but I was not. Fortunately, my roommate was accepted, and at this point, we knew that we would be in the same building, with over 300 other students and five floors. Douglass House represent!
When we received our room information, we couldn’t have even guessed that we would be on the same floor, nonetheless with only one room, our study lounge, between us.
There have been a lot of changes for us this past school year, some great (and some not so great), but we made it!
1. You Share A Twin Bed Most Nights.
Honestly, a lot changed this year, but this was something we dealt with every day. Each of us went from our own, spacey queen beds at home to a small twin mattress, then quickly to sharing that twin mattress almost every night after the first month of college.
Whether you do this on purpose, or you accidentally fall asleep binge watching your ninth hour of Parks and Rec, you will be either falling off one edge of the bed or squished against a wall or dresser.
Note: You really get to know their roommate.
2. Their Roommate Quickly Becomes Yours.
I didn’t have a great relationship with either of my roommates last year, but my boyfriend and his roommate quickly adopted me as their lost little duckling. Although their room totally grossed me out, I was happy being accepted and comfortable in somebody else’s room when I wasn’t comfortable in my own.
3.Their Friends Become Yours (And Vice Versa).
Everyone on our floor knew that we were a tag-team, so the friends that we made individually during our first year quickly became our friends, and we love them SO MUCH!
4. You Have A Lot More Sex.
Maybe this is TMI but honestly, THIS IS HUGE. You’re in college, so truth is: you’re probably going to have sex at some point.
5. More Fights.
Unfortunately, this is true. As a couple that had never really fought about anything before, this was groundbreaking. You’ll fight about small things: like why won’t he wash his pillow, and bigger things that will make you want to scream but you can’t (because you have neighbors through your paper-thin walls).
6. More Smiles.
Although freshman year was chaotic, I've never been happier and I'm lucky to spend this crazy time in my life with my best friends.
7. More Kisses.
8. More Snuggles.
Any time is snuggle time.
9. SoOoOo Many Naps.
This was huge too, especially during those long, cold, snow days when all you want is to snuggle, binge Netflix, drink tea, and nap.
10. Alone Time Becomes Scarce.
This is kind of weird and kind of nice at the same time. You become accustomed to spending 24/7 with your best friend, but when they go home for the weekend or have a huge exam to study for, you end up back in your own room feeling lonely, OR you end up in somebody else’s room because you love company!
11. You Always Have a Study/Shopping/Cooking/Date Buddy.
No matter what you need to do, your best friend is literally 10 feet away to help you in any way you need. It doesn’t matter if you need help with a math problem or you want to run to Trader Joe’s because you are having massive cravings, and need to bake a cake.
12. Connecting On A Deeper Level.
Being together all of the time opens a lot of doors to talking about all sorts of things. Maybe you’ll talk about that wart you suddenly have on your foot or maybe you’ll sleepily try to find the meaning of life!
13. You Tell Everybody That You ~PrAcTiCaLlY~ Live Together.
Because you pretty much do. Between sharing a twin bed and being together every second of every day, you feel like roommates already.
14. You Fantasize About Really Living Together.
We can afford that shoe-box apartment, right??! Wait….
15. Summer BFF Withdrawl
I imagine this is how a lot of people feel when they are missing their roommate during the summer. Although, my boyfriend and I live fifteen minutes away, it’s been a huge change from the past nine months at college. Plus, we both miss his roommate and our floor mates.
See ya' in August, twin bed.