When you're in college and your best friend isn't with you, it feels like a whole world has been pulled our the side of your stomach to the point where you don't know if you can go on anymore.
I just became an adult, and my best friend since 3rd grade is pregnant. She is due at the end of October, having a baby boy, and naming him Holden. She is more my sister than my best friend. However, there are quite a few things that no one tells you when your best friend is pregnant and not with you in college. Which means I am here to tell you exactly what.
1. You will end up feeling that the baby is also yours, because, well, they might as well be. I mean, you helped come up with names and. . .
Holden, Baber, Ray, Lucy, the list goes on and on and on. . .
2. Because, you were there with her when she found out the sex of her baby. And it was the most magical thing you have ever experienced in your life. Aside from feeling him kick.
I mean, besides chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. . .
3. You get her pregnancy symptoms-like Braxton hicks, weird cravings, and mood swings.
4. All of your money will go to the baby.
I mean, it's not like you're a broke college student or anything.
5. Instead of looking at your go-to items in the store (such as clothes or make-up) you go straight to look at baby items.
6. You have to buy a new set of clothes for the baby every time you go to the store.
Even though they don't have a "MY MOMMY'S BEST FRIEND LOVES ME." I can't even find a "MY AUNT LOVES ME," one. *inserts sideways face emoji*
7. You think you don't see her now? Just wait until she has the baby.
8. But then you get to see the baby and her when you hang out!
It is literally the best thing ever.
9. When you see posts on Facebook with baby items you can't help yourself but ask them how much they want for it and then go and buy it.
Because you literally cannot stop yourself. Ever. You have no self control. At all.
10. It's not just monetary things you buy for the baby-you make things for him because you're an artist and you want him to appreciate it as much as you do.
'Cause when your mommy and auntie is an artist, you're getting hit from every side.
11. You pray for the baby everyday.
You want him to grow up to be an amazing, sweet, kind, and caring baby, kid, and then adult.
12. You do not want that baby to ever want for anything and never have sorrow, never have pain, never not know love, never have a broken heart and...
While you know he will, you still hope he won't especially because you have been through enough for 789,094,089,402,950 life times.
13. You want that baby to know that you will always be there for them no matter what ever happens between you and your best friend, and that is why...
"You will never run away
You're forever mine
You will never run away
You're by my side
Love wide as galaxies
Love deeper than the sea
Countless as all infinity
Love like a shooting star
Tearing apart the dark
Shining for all eternity
Shining for all eternity,"
"You Will Never Run"; Rend Collective
14. She'll ask you to be his Godmother, and that will be the happiest day of your life because you know and she know that you would love that child just as much as she does if not more.
This will be one of the greatest things in your life and when she asks you, you will say:
"Did you even have to ask me that?"
15. Knowing that your best friend trusts you not only with her life, but her first and so far only child's life, well, nothing can compare to that.
I love you best friend. Thank you for being there for me even though you are a weird alien in this strange world we call our home. I will forever be there for you and your baby.