For girls, getting ready is a very extensive process that involves planning our motions down to a T. These things take time and involves much self-motivation and perseverance (total sarcasm but also the bitter truth). We don't wake up looking instantly fabulous (at least not on the regular). It's a strenuous and enchanting journey from bum status to slaying status.
Here are some of the things that cross our minds as we get ready:
1. Do I have enough time to shower?
Lather, rinse, repeat. Wait, there's no time to repeat--lather and rinse will have to do.
2. But, wait, will I have time to dry my hair if I shower?
That's a hard pass. I'll spray on some dry shampoo and I'll be good. Shout out to dry shampoo for saving my greasy hot mess of hair more times than I can count--you're the real MVP.
3. Can I wear comfy clothes?
If I can't wear my sweatpants, there's no point in going. I can't? Fine, let me find something comfy cute and call it a day.
4. Fine, I'll put on jeans for once.
Never again. I repeat: never again. Jeans are like straight jackets for your legs.
5. Is makeup required?
*Takes one look in the mirror* Yup, it's required.
6. Wow, my right eye looks perfect.
I'm basically a make-up artist. This is absolute perfection right here and I deserve nothing but praise for this flawless artistry.
7. What in the hell happened to my left eye?
I guess I'll have to settle for the asymmetrical, coloring-outside-the-lines look.
8. Why does my hair not cooperate when I actually plan on leaving the house?
It looks so luscious and shiny when I'm sitting at home, pinned back perfectly or waves flowing like a majestic river down my head--why does it choose to look like a bird's nest now that I plan on going out in public?
9. I have the perfect outfit planned.
*tries on perfect outfit* *looks in mirror* I look like a potato.
10. Did I cross the line from hot to slutty?
It's a very thin line dividing the two and just one wrong move can send you from smoking hot to working the corner.
11. Do I wear my cute heels or my comfy flats?
Heels for pictures, flats for the rest of the night. I'm not waltzing around in four inch heels for four hours. No, no.
12. Maybe I just won't go.
I could stay in and shove my face with nachos while watching cute romantic comedies or I can go out and interact with human beings. But, is that really a choice?
13. No, I'm going.
There will probably be pictures posted on social media and I'm going to be in them instead of looking at them while sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for myself.
14. Okay, I actually don't look bad.
*Looks at reflection at every angle for roughly half a year*
15. Yup, I look hot.
Bow down to me, peasants.