1. You have a crazy new love for crafting.
There is nothing more fun or relaxing than painting that new canvas or a banner!
2. You find yourself with Lily, monogram, and sorority letter everything.
3. You are always "throwing what you know."
4. You have found yourself with more friends than you know what to do with.
5. Your social calendar is now popping.
Event after event, community service after community service, sushi dates, dinner dates—the list goes on!
6. You have a million sorority shirts.
They get passed down from your Big, and you get tons of presents!
7. You have a crazy obsession with your Big/Little.
I mean, how could you not?
8. You grow into the person you want to be.
With so many opportunities to be a leader and to get involved in the community, you mature and become something bigger than yourself.
9. You have a great support system.
10. You not only have gained sisters, you have gained a whole network of Greeks.
You get a big extended family, and you are able to connect to people that aren't from your school.
11. You become more outgoing.
When you're forced into many social events ,you step out of your comfort zone quickly—you even like it.
12. You learn how to make a quick, makeshift outfit for any themed event you may go to.
Costume party and a day to prepare? You and your girls got it.
13. You gain a whole new closet (several new closets).
You have a cute shirt, but not the shoes or skirt to go with it? Your sisters quickly come to the rescue
14. You're having a bad day? Your sisters pick you up when you're down.
They know just how to make you smile and would do anything to make you smile.
15. You have people you can depend on.
Sisters are forever.