If you're in need of some
Before I get into the nitty-gritty relatable stuff, I want to talk about how being a "Scene Kid" defined my teenage years:
I was 13 years old, in 2009 when I came across the term "Scene". It was described to me as a combination of the emo and preppy stereotypes. A lightbulb went off inside my head and I realized that I had found the place that I belonged.
I immediately began my research, providing myself with a "Scene name". I forced my mom to take me to our local Hot Topic to stock up on band tees, colored jeans, hair bows and Scene jewelry (that consisted of lots of neon checker-print and polka-dots, not to mention the random objects like safety pins and zippers.)
I already had the basic concept of scene music down - I loved Fall Out Boy, All Time Low and Panic! at the Disco - the Scene holy trinity, you may say. (Not to be confused with the emo holy trinity, which would be the same sans All Time Low, but adding in My Chemical Romance [R.I.P.]). After adding a few more essential Scene bands to my repertoire, I was good to go.
Here are 15 signs that you may have grown up as a Scene Kid:
1. You owned too many Scene t-shirts:
Sometimes they were band tees, sometimes they were "vintage" band tees, and sometimes they were random, colored objects.
2. Your parents got upset when you wrote/drew all over your brand new Converse:
3. The jewelry and accessory sections of Hot Topic was your version of heaven:
(Image courtesy polyvore.com)
Those clip-in hair extensions, studded belts and bracelets and beanies were your shit.
4. Your hair defied gravity:
(Image courtsey paolapozzessere.blogspot.com )
And it only took an hour of teasing and an entire can of hairspray to accomplish!
5. If you wore makeup, it was truly something special:
I didn't know it was possible to have so many bright colors AND black all in the same place at the same time.
6. You had a "Scene Name":
Mine was AliAccidental. (I don't know if I was trying to say I was an accident, I was accident-prone or what???)
7. You wanted every piercing known to man:
Your scene heart still flutters when you see someone attractive who can rock snakebites.
8. Your iPod playlists read like novels:
"Every Fall Out Boy Song Title
9. You owned every rubber bracelet for every band you liked. And wore them all. At the same time.
If you lost or broke one, it was like losing a member of the family.
10. Developing serious crushes on band members.
If you aren't still extremely attracted to Alex
11. Gauges. (Or fake ones - if your parents didn't allow real ones.)
Who knew stretching your ear-holes would be so considered so cool?
12. Having your own language between you and your friends:
"RAWR." "Yesh, RAWR
13. Having various cartoon character merchandise:
Gir and Hello Kitty were the shit and no one really knew why?
14. Two words - WARPED TOUR:
You always wanted to go, and if you were able to, it was literally like heaven.
15. Not being able to understand the lyrics of your own favorite song:
(Image courtesy thehunt.com)
I'm throwing this shade at you, Patrick Stump.