Umberto Eco once said, "I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom".
I think that there have been many times when I've taken both my parents for granted. As I become older, I realize more and more the impact of what my parents have been trying to teach me all my life, especially my father. I am very much like my mother; we tend to talk a lot. My dad definitely is not as talkative. But whenever he does say anything, it is wise and smart. And I've learned to take everything he says and does close to heart. So thank you, daddy, for all the things you do that I don't thank you for every day.
1. Thank you for being overprotective of me.
2. Thank you for never saying no to a dance.
3. Thank you for giving me a goodnight kiss every night, even when it's extremely late.
4. Thank you for always being interested in what I'm interested in, even if you don't understand it.
5. Thank you for pushing me to grow up, even when I thought I wasn't ready.
6. Thank you for always carrying me upstairs when I would fall asleep.
7. Thank you for attempting to do my hair when mom was working.
8. Thank you for teaching me to drive.
9. Thank you for being patient with me when my technology-challenged self had a question about technology.
10. Thank you for putting up with a house full of women during that time of the month.
11. Thank you for always reminding me that I am beautiful, even when I don't feel like it.
12. Thank you for being such a weirdo. And for letting me be a weirdo.
13. Thank you for being the only man I really need in my life.
14. Thank you for showing me what unconditional love is.
15. Thank you for supporting me every day!
I love you, Dad!