If you haven't listened to Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Hamilton: An American Musical," then I'm not sure what you've been listening to this past year. Even if you're not big into musical theater or you're not big into American history, it really doesn't matter. The story and the music used to convey it are inspiring regardless. Furthermore, a cast dominated by people of color makes the concept of the show that much more complex. This is a history meant to exclude POC, but instead gives them control over how the story is told and how the characters are portrayed. It's brilliant, it's truth-altering, accessible, thrilling and relatable in the strangest ways.
So, if you haven't listened to the soundtrack I highly suggest you do that as soon as humanly possible. If you have listened to it, especially if you've listened to it so many times that you can recite the entire opening number without hesitation, then hopefully you'll relate to my emotional journey that I go on every single time around. If you're unfamiliar then here is everything you can look forward to:
1. Melting When Hamilton Emerges For The First Time
Especially if you're a part of the "I want to spread Lin's voice on my toast like warm butter" club.
2. Listening To "My Shot" And Feeling Like Conquering The Entire World
Even if you're just laying in bed with the shades pulled, wrapped in your Finding Nemo blanket, eating a family size bag of potato chips...
3. Feeling Such Female Pride While Listening To "The Schuyler Sisters"
When they say "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and when I meet Thomas Jefferson imma compel him to include women in the sequel WORK" you feel like starting a feminist riot in an 18th-century ball gown just for kicks.
4. You Know King George III Is A Piece Of Shit IRL, But You Can't Help How Funny He Is
And not to mention how strangely relatable his joy toward mass destruction is...you're alarmed, but you're simultaneously pleased because it's just so witty so you go ahead and ignore all of the murder and injustice for a solid three minutes and 28 seconds.
5. The Uncontrollable Excitement You Feel During "Right Hand Man" When You Hear The Words "Here Comes The General" And You Know Exactly Who's Coming
This is the point when you're ready to mount the back of Washington's horse, the general himself sweet talking you with war strategy...
6. "Helpless" And "Satisfied" Have You So Conflicted Because You Love Eliza But You're Heart Is Breaking For Angelica
You know exactly what it's like to feel helplessly in love, and you also know exactly how it feels to be helplessly in love with someone you can't have...
7. You're Pretty Annoyed With This Whole Dueling Business
Why is it necessary to put yourself in the line of fire just because some asshole was trash talking your dad? Oh wait, it's not. Sure, Charles Lee had it coming one way or another, but why the hell did Hamilton and his son both have to go out that way?
8. Yorktown And Hercules Mulligan Have You So Fired Up You Don't Know What To Do With Yourself
It's a headbanger for sure.
9. Driving Down The Road Listening To Hamilton And In The Middle Of "Non-Stop" You Shout "AND HAMILTON WROTE THE OTHER FIFTY ONE!!!!"
It never gets less exciting.
10. You're LIT For Jefferson To Be Back Because You're Beyond Ready For The Mudslinging That's About To Go Down
And we're reminded that our current political climate really isn't that unprecedented...
11. You Need Cabinet Discussions To Be Actual Rap Battles
Or else what's the point?
12. You've Spent A Lot Of Time Perfecting Your Maria Reynolds Impression
Some might say you've spent too much time...
13. Everything About "Burn" Has You Feeling A Million Things
If anyone ever thinks of you when they hear this song then you REALLY screwed up.
14. And "It's Quiet Uptown" Makes You Feel Really Reflective...
A lot circulates through my head when I hear this song, especially surrounding the idea of forgiveness.
15. When You're Really Struggling To Hold It In During The Finale
Always hopeful that maybe centuries of history can be reversed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, but alas...