Everyone knows a soccer girl when they see one. They are tough athletes that bring all they have on to the fields. These are classic soccer girl problems that we all know and accept.
1. Two Words--Tan Lines
There is no way of avoiding this, we embrace that our knees are much darker then the rest of our legs. Coming into summer we look like candy canes and it never fully goes away. Our upper thighs are always a whole shade lighter than our lower thighs. But lets be honest with ourselves- no mater how hard we try we will never have an even skin tone. Besides the reason we go to the beach is to play beach soccer, not tan.
2. Thunder Thighs
Now this is a struggle on the day-to-day. Everyone is jealous of our muscular toned legs, but everyone fails to realize that this build causes major problems when trying to buy jeans and then wearing them. They will always be too loose in the waist, but who wants to take the time and get a belt after it just took you ten minutes to get on the pair of jeans. Jeans are not our friends--sweatpants though are our best friends.
3. "Sorry I can't--I have soccer"
The classic phrase used to answer your friends even before they ask you if you want to go do something. These words haunt you as the days go on knowing you don't have much time for anything else. Yet this statement doesn't work with homework and you still have to get it done. You wouldn't skip soccer for anything because that's how much it controls your life. Also if you are honest with yourself you probably love soccer more than anything you could do with your friends.
4. 10 Meals A Day
We never stop eating. I swear I eat more food than my teenage brothers do. When going out to eat, you are always able to finish your food and get dessert on top of the meal you scarfed down. Not caring what we look like while we eat it all either. Waiters/waitresses are impressed that we are able to finish all of our food and still be skinny. As I say "I'll run it off later."
5. The Beep Test.
Known by many different names, this fitness test haunts soccer girls in their sleep. The constant progression of the beeps and the sweat pouring down your head reminds you of all the food you just ate, hoping that you can finish the test without seeing any of it come back up. Once you cannot physically go any more you collapse at the line hoping that you were able to accomplish what you coach wanted you to do.
6. Practicing In All Weather
There is no such thing as a bad day to play soccer--you can play in all weather. Playing in the snow until you can't feel your toes anymore, playing in the rain knowing you should've brought shampoo and just showered too, and playing even when you can't see the field due to unfortunate weather circumstances. It can be ten degrees outside or a hundred and yet you are still out there practicing or playing a game.
7. The Spandex-Under-Dresses Look
That moment when someone says you have to wear a dress and you look at yourself and say "A What?". It's such a foreign object in a soccer girls closet and finding shoes to wear is equally as difficult, but never fear spandex saves the day as we all wear them under our dresses and skirts. Even when your mom yells at you for wearing them. But hey look at the bright side- your teammates are doing the exact same thing as you!
8. Soccer Themed Wedding
Whether we have one or not, every soccer girl has thought about wearing cleats under her dress to her wedding and having the pictures taken on a soccer field- maybe even having the whole wedding on a soccer field. You might trade in your cleats for heals, because let's be honest they will make your calves look good, but you'll still have a soccer ball at your feet ready to play at any moment.
9. Bad Games/Practices
Knowing the feeling of defeat and even the thoughts of how poorly you did in your game are horrible things. The moment your parents try to support you and help you, but you know nothing anyone says will never help. You would kill anyone who says "calm down it was just a game." Soccer is much more than "just a game" it's a way of life.
10. Soccer Movies
Movies like "She's The Man" and" Bend It Like Beckham", though not in anyway realistic, are still movies we have watched so many times that quoting them is like singing our favorite songs. Still I wonder how "Sebastian Hastings" was able to play in a sweatshirt and sweatpants in August is amazing. But like "he" says:
11. Nasty Opponents
Your rivals, the one team you have hated since day one, are always the best game of the season. That one girl you never liked plays for that team, suddenly you get fed up with her and, oh no, she is on the ground--But hey you didn't do that right? Should've never smiled or looked at you and they wouldn't be in this situation right now. This is the reason we wonder where all our unknown bruises come from.
12. Getting Carded
That moment when the referee blows the whistle and you get all wide-eyed because they just called a foul on you. They call you over and lift a little plastic card either red or yellow towards you. Upset because you didn't even do anything…or at least that is what you are going to tell everyone.
13. Prewrap
You have it in every color and the moment it tears or gets a hole in it you want to cry. You try to hide it from that teammate that never has any but the whole team knows about your stash. So you give them your least favorite color in hopes that they will never come back and ask you again.
14. Smelly Gear
Soccer bags have enough potent stench to wipe out an entire country. Shin guards and cleats hold their own separate odor that is never removed no matter how many washes they go through or air fresheners are shoved in them. Coach always told us that the pinnies would be washed before next practice and the whole season they would go without being washed.
15. Team=Family
No matter how much they annoy you, you are there for each other. You spend hours together and there is nothing that could separate you. Win or lose, through thick and thin, always teammates, friends, and sisters. You celebrate together and you cheer for each other no matter the outcome. One big family with a love for an amazing sport. You are a soccer girl for life!
Keep doing you no matter what happens, be a soccer girl forever and always. There will always be someone who will live it just as much as you. Once you find someone who plays soccer, you know you just became best friends!