Coming into college is both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. One mistake everyone makes is bringing too much just so it feels like home. Over the years I found out just what makes a college girl as happy as can be, so here's my key to happiness list:
1. An extra large tumbler
Preferably the big 32oz ones, because you can either have 32oz's of coffee, water, or vodka. We don't judge or discriminate in college.
2. Tide-To-Go stick
I cannot say it enough. Put this in your backpack and go do your thing. I normally leave the stains and contemplate my life but do what you want boo.
3. A Huge Bottle of Advil
Because college does this funny thing where it feels like your head is going to explode, but it won't because you can't ever get off that easy from school work.
4. Sock bun
Late to class with your hair looking like a lion's main? No problem, just cut up your socks, then figure out what to do later when you have no more socks. You are not lazy, you are so fresh and so clean, girl.
5. Full length mirror
Listen, I am not kidding, check your dorm room for this. I walk to the bathroom to check my outfits and it doesn't help that I'm lazy so what I mean is, I don't check my outfits.
6. A Giant binder
I am a neat freak when it comes to my papers but I have learned that having multiple binders is stupid because it will just get shoved in one binder anyways. Save yourself time.
7. Incense
You really don't need this and it's probably illegal if you live in a dorm anyways, but for some reason it's the only thing that will cut through the moldy college kid smell. Take my word on it.
8. Thrift store clothing
Go to the oodwill and buy ridiculous Hawaiian shirts and hippie outfits. College just seems to call for outfits like that, and I haven't even mentioned the theme parties or Halloween yet.
9. Dollar store cups and plates
I felt so fancy not having all paper stuff in my dorm but just remember to buy soap or it all seems to pile up.
10. Highlighters
Get your entire agenda done and highlight everything and all your notes. Besides, it makes you feel super organized and fancy, even if you're a disaster.
11. Cheap pens
Don't try to make your handwriting cute, just get the notes and try not to cry.
12. A good robe
You have roommates who don't want to see your butt any more than they have to, so get something silky because you will feel sexy and they will appreciate the coverage.
13. Cheap shower shoes
Go to the dollar store and never lose them. They protect you from the evil that lives in the showers.
14. Walmart medicine
Go ahead and get a box full of meds because after your first semester you will have a messed up stomach, a cold that doesn't go away, and hangovers from hell. It saves lives.
15. Portable clothing rack.
The dorms don't provide enough closet space so go ahead and stop and grab one, pick a corner and set it up.
Go through your closet, look for cheap websites, and try to make it through. It takes time but you will learn or cope. Whichever one works.