When I applied to college, I already knew I wanted to major in education. I may not be admitted into the college of education at my school yet, but I already have people asking me a ton of ridiculous questions and making statements about my career choice.
If you find yourself discussing college or future careers with an education major, please try not to say these things:
1. “Wouldn’t you rather do something else so you can make more money?”
Trust me, I know exactly what a teacher’s salary looks like. I’m not going to be a teacher so that I can make millions of dollars, I am going to be a teacher so that I can change millions of lives. Teaching is my passion and that will never change.
2. “You’re lucky you don’t have to take hard classes.”
Excuse me? It’s not like all my classes are 100-level. I may not be taking calculus or biochemistry, but I still have to take 400-level classes just like everyone else.
3. “So what state do you plan on moving to?”
I understand that I may not be able to find a teaching position at my dream school right away, but that doesn’t mean I’ll have to move out of state.
4. “You’re going to school so that you can spend the rest of your life in a school?”
As strange as it may sound, yes. That is exactly what I’m doing. Right now, I’m learning how to be the best teacher I can be. Without this education, I would never be able to control a classroom of my own.
5. “You really want to deal with kids every day?”
Absolutely! Children are amazing and I love watching them grow and develop. I want to be a part of their development by teaching them the knowledge and skills they will need throughout their lives.
6. “You’re going into a dying career field.”
Oh, really? I’m sure that teachers will always be in high demand. In fact, there are a ton of teachers retiring within the near future. I’ve been doing research for years and I’m confident I will get a job after I graduate.
7. “So, all of your homework could be done by an elementary student?”
Just because I’m in a class called “Math for Elementary Teachers” doesn’t mean that all I learn is “2+2=4.” I learn advanced concepts as well as how to go about teaching them to different types of students. I’d love to see some of the math majors at my university try to do my homework.
8. “You must really enjoy summer break!”
What’s summer break again? Oh yeah, that time that teachers spend re-vamping their lesson plans, prepping their classroom, and possibly getting a second job? While summer may be a time where teachers don’t need to be in school every day, they still do a lot of work.
9. “Why did you choose to focus on that subject?”
Personally, I chose to focus on English. I have a passion for writing and teaching it. I don’t understand why people always have to put down certain subjects just because they may not like them. If every teacher taught the same subject, school wouldn’t be a very interesting place.
10. “You’re really okay with being a professional babysitter?”
Yeah, a professional babysitter who will teach your future children everything they need to know!
11. “What makes you think you can handle the next generation?”
I don’t think I can “handle” the next generation, I want to teach them. I believe that children need to be respected and given responsibility instead of just being controlled.
12. “You must really think you’re smart.”
Wanting to become a teacher has nothing to do with thinking I’m smart. I know I need to be intelligent in order to get through the education program at my university, but that doesn’t mean I think I’m “all that”, I just believe in myself.
13. “Are you going to be one of those strict, boring teachers?”
Every teacher has their own style. Just because you don’t agree with their style, doesn’t mean it’s wrong or “boring.”
14. “You must have a back-up plan!”
I don’t need a back-up plan because I know I’m going to be a teacher. It may take me a while to accomplish my goal, but I know I will eventually.
15. “Do you want to have a life?”
I understand that teaching takes a lot of time and effort, but I’m okay with that. My boyfriend is actually an education major as well so he understands what our future holds for us!