While students attend college to seek out an education and a degree, college is also a time for experience an exploration. Whether it is inside or outside the class room, there are things every college student should be doing before they graduate.
For some people, college is considered to be the best years of their life, and it goes by a lot quicker than you think. Don’t wake up one day as a college senior looking back on the four years without having made some of your best memories.
Here are some of the things to add to your college bucket list to accomplish all before graduation:
1. Join an organization: There are tons of orgs. on every college campus; it’s easy to find something that interests you. Not only does getting involved look good on a resume, but it’s also a great way to make friends.
2. Enjoy the bonuses and perks of being a college student: Being a student can get very expensive. You may not know this, but often there are restaurants and other shops around campus that offer discounts, coupons, and other perks for students. Take advantage of this as much as you can!
3. Study abroad: Studying abroad is a great experience. Get out of your comfort zone and take classes in a different country; nothing better comes out of learning in a new culture.
4. Don’t be afraid to go out: Go out as much as you want; just don’t slack on your school work. College is a place you could find plans almost every day of the week. If you don’t have any homework to due, gather a group of friends on a Tuesday night and make the best of it. You also don’t want to look back on your college years and realized you spent every night doing school work without any play.
5. Don’t be afraid to stay in: Going out is always fun, but don’t feel like you’re forced to go out every night. I know how it feels to watch all your friends go out, “FOMO” starts setting in (fear of missing out.) But there will be plenty of more parties to attend, so it’s ok if you miss one now and then.
6. Get an internship: Although sometimes internships are required for some students, it is highly recommended that you get one, or maybe even two. Internships are a great learning experience and you can get the feel of being in a real “work environment” with responsibilities, while still being a student. This will prepare you for when you get an actual job. It also gives you a chance to see If you actually enjoy the atmosphere of the career you plan on having after graduation.
7. Explore your surroundings: Take a step off campus and see what your college town has to offer. Whether it be going on a hike or just going shopping; you don’t want to spend four years in one place. If you dorm away, your college basically becomes your home. You might as well explore the neighborhood and see what it has to offer.
8. Attend a themed party: College is known for its themed parties; it won’t be difficult to find one. You should attend a themed party at least once while being a student. You’d also be surprised of the themes and outfits that some people come up with.
9. Attend your schools games: Homecoming, soccer, baseball- whichever the sport; try to attend your universities home games. You attend the school, after all, why not support its players? Tailgates are always a plus.
10.Take a random class: Take a course that has nothing to do with your major. The best thing you can do it take a class that interests you, just for the fun of it. As students, we have enough boring classes to take as it is; so take a random class. You’ll gain credit for it, and you’ll actually learn about something you’re interested in.
11. Go on spring break: Spring breaks are always fun and there are certain destinations that are known for their wild college spring breaks. Get a group of friends and go on at least one college spring break; it will be a great experience and memory to look back on.
12. Get to know your teachers: A student that makes an effort to be known in a big lecture is always a good look to a professor. Instead of sitting in the back of a 150-person class, sit in the front and ask questions. I guarantee it will be easier to pay attention; and you’ll get a better grade.
13. Make friends with people in your major: Not only will you become friends with people with the same interests as you, but you will also make connections. You can learn a lot from people who plan on taking the same career path as you; you can also help each other with course work if you have the same classes.
14. Go to the gym: Let’s face it, as a student sometimes it’s easier to order takes out instead of cooking that healthy meal. And if you drink, that’s a lot of extra calories that results in weight gain. This is why there are terms like “freshman 15” that are known throughout campuses. Go to the gym and exercise; you won’t regret it when your body is still in shape.
15. Find yourself: Last but not least, college is a time for exploration. You meet new people, and learn new things. For some people, it’s the first time they’re living on their own with responsibilities. College is a time where you become an adult, and you’ll be surprised how much you can grow up in four years. Make the best memories while you can, because these years go by the quickest.