15 Things To Do When You Need A Break From Studying | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things To Do When You Need A Break From Studying

Treat yo self after a long study sesh!

15 Things To Do When You Need A Break From Studying

At this crazy hectic time of finals and finishing up classes, it’s important to realize that you need to take breaks. Trying to crank all of work out for hours and hours at a time and not taking any breaks can leave you feeling incredibly worn out. Here are some things to do when you need to take a break!

1. Watch a Christmas movie.

Personal favorites of mine are Elf, The Santa Clause Movies, and Christmas with The Kranks.

2. Listen to some Christmas music.

I always enjoy winding down with some Mariah Carrey or Nat King Cole. It puts me in a Christmas-y mood, and that’s something that encourages me to get my work done.

3. Check out Instagram’s explore page.

My friends and I always send each other hilarious pictures and videos and laughing is always a good thing.

4. Surf Pinterest for DIY Christmas gifts for your friends.

I know as a college student, I am always looking for cheap do-it-yourself crafts that won’t break the bank, and Pinterest is the perfect place to do that. You can find such cute ideas!

5. Call a family member or friend and catch up.

After talking to my family or my best friend, I always feel better than I did before. It’s a perfect way to relax for a little while before getting back to the books.

6. Make some hot cocoa.

Hot cocoa is the best treat to have in the winter. It warms you up and just hits the spot when you need something sweet.

7. Go to the gym.

The gym is a good way to relieve stress and it releases endorphins that will lift your mood. If you’re in a bad mood, I definitely suggest giving this one a shot!

8. Watch an episode or two of your favorite show on Netflix.

My absolute favorite television show on Netflix is Friends, and the episodes are short so it’s easy to fit into a small break of 30 minutes.

9. Read your favorite book or magazine.

It’s never too late to catch up with the latest trends or get caught up in the plot of a great book.

10. Edit some pictures.

I have an app called VSCO cam, and that’s what I use to edit any pictures that I think need to have a little something added. It’s a great app and it’s a good way to pass time!

11. Online window shop.

Go to the websites of your favorite stores and look at their inventory online! See what you like that you could possibly reward yourself when you ace your finals ;).

12. Take a walk if its not too cold.

I know temperatures are starting to drop, especially in South Bend, but if you bundle up and you just need to take a breather, walks are perfect! I definitely suggest this, especially because Saint Mary’s has such a beautiful campus.

13. Bake some cookies to give out to your floor mates.

Not only do you get to make treats, you get to share them with other girls and also maybe make a new friend or two!

14. Make paper snowflakes.

This is a cute way to decorate your room if you have some random white paper just lying around.

15. Plan a fake trip (that can maybe become reality one day!)

Even though you’re in college and you may have a limited amount of money, it is fun to pretend that for Christmas break you get to go somewhere warm and lay on a beach after all the stress of finals.

Even though it’s hard to wind down when you know you should be studying, it’s crucial to let yourself have a break so you don’t break down and so you can be ready to do your best!

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