Ever since I was young I have always hated being awake at any point before lunchtime. There's something about early mornings that immediately puts me in a bad mood. For me, there are so many things wrong with starting your day when the sun has just started to come out. I know I'm not alone in this. In fact, I like to assume that the majority of the world's population enjoys sleeping in as much as I do.
Sleep is truly a wonderful thing. It is because of this that people who are genuinely happy to cut their sleep short amaze me. I admire their ability to wake up and actually feel ready to begin their day. Maybe this is because I have never (and I mean never) been capable of that. No matter how much sleep I get, waking up and getting out of bed is always a chore. And that's just one of the things that people who are not morning people identify with, as well as:
1. Doing everything in your power to avoid waking up early.
Sleeping is definitely one of your favorite activities. Why ruin it by waking up before you're ready to.
2. Especially by avoiding 8 a.m. classes.
There's just no way your brain can function that early in the morning.
3. That's why you end up making all of your plans for the afternoon or night.
You try your best to not make any plans before 12 p.m.
4. Because waking up before 11 a.m. is still a struggle.
Some people think it's extremely late by the time 11 a.m. rolls around but for you, it's still early.
5. But sometimes you have to wake up early.
Something you are never happy about, no matter what it's for.
6. In order to wake up early, you have to set multiple alarms.
You know you're going to end up snoozing the first three anyway.
7. That final alarm is one of the worst sounds you'll ever hear.
Never set your alarm tone as your favorite song, you will never be able to listen to it without flashbacks of waking up when you really didn't want to.
8. Your friends that are morning people drive you crazy.
They get up at the crack of dawn and then expect you to do the same. That's just not going to happen.
9. Sunrises just don't have the same appeal to you.
The bright light of early morning hurts your eyes more than anything.
10. You're basically nocturnal at this point.
Night time is just a happier place for you. Not saying we're vampires, but we might be.
11. So you end up staying up way too late.
Which is fine because you prefer to do stuff at night anyways. Homework is always a midnight activity.
12. Coffee becomes your best friend.
You either love it or you hate it but you can't function without it.
13. Lunch becomes breakfast.
After you wake up, it's breakfast time. Doesn't really matter if it's the afternoon, cereal is always acceptable.
14. Naps are always a good idea.
Naps are a way to make up for all those hours you lost waking up early.
15. Finally, days that you get to sleep in are the best kind of days.
Being well-rested is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.