1. Sparty is the best mascot around
Always dancing, messing with someone, or running around campus, Sparty always puts a smile on everyone's face. It's a necessity to get a picture with him before you graduate.
2. Getting up at 7:30 for tailgates but refusing to take an 8 am
Getting up at 7:30 to drink rather than getting up to sit for two hours in a calculus lecture can't even be compared.
3. Combos are a godsend
Combos make dorm living easier. Getting an extra free meal a day helps make late night snacks easier on a budget. Stockpiling cereal and pop tarts in your dorm room is is a must as a freshman.
4. There is no one hated more than the PACE
Every time you see the gray parking police truck circling the parking lots you can't help but sneer. There is no doubt that the hatred of the parking police is something that everyone can agree on.
5. Hearing go green means you have no choice but to yell go white
Whether it's at the end of a lecture or you're walking down Grand River at 1 in the morning you must always participate.
6. CATA buses will not slow down for anyone
If you see a CATA bus coming down the street do not think they will stop for you to cross because chances are they'll speed up. CATA buses fly around campus but November through March chances are you'll see one stuck in a snowbank daily.
7. MSU squirrels are practically gods
I've never met anyone who anything bad to say about the squirrels on campus. The overfed fluffy creatures that dominant campus remind us of our dogs at home and the death of one can cause a widespread morning.
8. The hatred for U of M and Ohio State is real
Don't even mention it, I shouldn't even have typed it.
9. Conrads will save your life
Fried mac n cheese balls will save your life when you're drunk and look for food at 1 am.
10. Truly believing that "Spartans will"
From the first day on campus until the last time you go under the bridge on Farm Lane seeing "Spartans will" will make you truly believe you can.
11. If it gets to 50 degrees shorts will appear on campus
White boys seem to be immune to the cold and chances are when it hits just above 50 degrees you'll see kids flying by on a bike in shorts and a tank top.
12. Laughing in the face of those who think it's just a party school
Excuse me but until you see the stacks of homework and the amount of time I study a week don't assume that MSU is a party school.
13. If you see the smoke stacks you're definitely not in the right place
The smoke stacks are the farthest from anything that you ever want to be. Advice for any freshman if you see the smoke stacks you're screwed and do your best to get back to Farm Lane.
14. Campus is beautiful no matter what season
From the old architecture to the change of the leaves in fall, being able to walk throughout the most beautiful campus in Michigan is a privilege.
15. The atmosphere on campus
People sipping Starbucks on benches, riding bikes along the river, and students from all walks of life trudging to class makes anyone feel like the luckiest college student alive because we all get to attend Michigan State University.