If you're a camp counselor like me, you've probably seen and heard it all. From campers doing the weirdest things to overhearing some interesting conversations, you definitely have some stories to share. But who doesn't love their campers and all their craziness?
While being a camp counselor is SUPER exhausting, it is by far one of the most rewarding jobs I can ever imagine having. Here is a list of things only camp counselors understand!
1. The first day of camp AKA the most overwhelming and exhausting day of the session.
2. When all your kids are getting sick and you're over here like...
3. ...but then you inevitably get sick and still have to act like you're fine.
4. When your campers begin to act up during an all camp event.
5. When the campers start to complain.
6. Friendship bracelets are HUGE at camp so when a camper makes you a friendship bracelet you're over here like:
7. Dealing with a crying camper:

8. Crocs are a way of life and if anyone disagrees with you, they just don't understand true fashion.
9. Having to go to a staff meeting after a long day when all you want to do is sleep.
10. Sometimes, campers ask/say the weirdest things and you just sit there wondering "WTF".
11. Don't even think about talking to counselors of the opposite sex around campers because they will think you're dating and they will come up with a ship name for the two of you.
12. Whenever your camper is doing something in front of the entire camp (such as the camp show) you instantly become a proud parent.
13. Having to censor yourself around campers can be tough.
14. Looking at your co's and realizing you couldn't have made it through the session without them.
15. Saying goodbye to your campers on the last day of camp:
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