This is an article for all those procrastinators, so I will be straight up with you: I was a day late writing this. You're a procrastinator. You wait until the last possible minute to do everything, and sometimes it gets out of hand, but this is you; no lie.
1. You don't like getting up in the morning.
You have to set like 30 alarms knowing that you will hit snooze on all of them.
2. There is no "bedtime."
You stay up late to put off going to sleep, and you take naps during the day to put off homework.
3. You eat when you're bored.
You could have a whole list of things to do, probably boring things, so you just snack all day for something fun to do.
4. You live in a constant state of denial.
"I have plenty of time" is your motto.
5. It's hard to stick to a promise to yourself.
You have an addictive personality, and once you tell yourself you're going to start something new it's very likely you won't pull through.
6. You envy those who are able to concentrate with plenty of time to spare.
Seeing your roommate start studying for a test weeks in advance is kinda intimidating.
7. You're a complainer.
You wait until the last minute for everything and complain there isn't enough time.
8. You underestimate your workload.
"I have plenty of time!" *rolls eyes*
9. You're messy.
Just like everything else, you put off cleaning.
10. You have to lead a busy life.
If not, you would never get anything done.
11. You're a daydreamer.
You spend most of your time dreaming about the future.
12. Everything is "easy."
It's always easy until you have to do it.
13. You get distracted a lot.
Does this even need a comment? I'm sure you stopped reading halfway through, and are scrolling through Facebook.
14. You like to give advice.
Do as you say, not as you do.
15. You think you're going to change.