We all have some sass in us, but some are just better at hiding it than others. Those that can't hide it find themselves facing these daily struggles.
1. First impressions aren't your forte.
You bite your tongue around people you just meet so you don't scare them away.
2. You have to say "I'm kidding" wayyyyy too often.
I promise I didn't mean it.
3. You constantly have to convince people you don't have an attitude problem.
Maybe you're the problem?
4. You have to clarify when you are being sarcastic and when you are being serious.
But it's safe to say you're probably being sarcastic.
5. When you meet someone else that's sarcastic super excited.
Yet I love her.
6. You always have to up play your enthusiasm so people know you care.
Exhausting work.
7. Sarcastic comments are how you show affection.
My version of a hug.
8. Did I really just say that?
Why do I always say inappropriate things at inappropriate times.
9. Your parents aren't even phased by your comments anymore.
Friend: "You said WHAT to your mom?!?!?!"
10. You actually can't believe people think you are serious.
11. What if they don't like me?
You aren't completely comfortable talking with people until you know they won't judge your witty ways.
12. You find yourself to be the only one laughing at your jokes.
You wouldn't get it anyway.
13. Texting is the WORST.
Can I just call you?
14. Your friends either laugh their a$$ off or they want to rip your head off.
There is no-inbetween.
15. You really have no other settings.
But you wouldn't have it any other way.