In my vast 19 years of life experience, I have waitressed at three different restaurants. While learning to be a good server, I would say I've definitely become comfortable with the ins and outs that come with working in a restaurant, acquired the ability to smile and bite my tongue while getting someone their fifth refill of Coke (come on, do you really need another?) and developed a pretty stellar greeting for my tables even when I'm insanely busy. I can't lie, you can't beat a job as a waitress and being able to bring home cold hard cash every single night, but there are definitely some downfalls that come with having this job. For all of the hardworking waiters and waitresses out there, I have compiled a list that describes the many struggles that come with being a humble servant in the food industry.
1. The many people who tip poorly.
Do not go out to eat if you can't tip a waitress at least 15 percent (you really should be tipping 20 percent). Your tips are my paycheck, and you should know that I slaved over every detail to make sure your meal comes out the exact way you ask for it in a timely manner. I make $2.30 an hour. If you don't want to tip, go to McDonald's or eat at home, simple as that.
2. People who don't respect you.
Just because I'm serving you food doesn't mean that I'm any less than you. I'm in college working towards a degree, but I have to make money somehow. I don't come into your place of work and talk down to you, so respect me at mine.
3. People who steal your pens.
These are my pens. These pens are not provided by the restaurant. So when I give you a pen to sign the credit card receipt, I am trusting you! Don't steal my pens!
4. That one table that walks in five minutes before your shift ends.
"Yay my shift is over!"
"Oh my god no. Is that a table?"
"Please go to the bar, please go to the bar."
"No. I have to take it? OK great, guess I'll be here for another 45 minutes."
5. Kids that throw food everywhere.
I fully support a parent's decision to bring their (often unruly) children out to eat. But please, try your very hardest for me to prevent them from spreading their french fries all across the table and the floor, because guess who has to clean it up.
6. Slow nights.
Four hour shift, but only two tables. Guess I'm making no money today!
7. Insanely busy nights.
Screaming internally while trying to maintain your cool and remembering that table one doesn't want cucumbers on their salad and table eight wants their wings extra crispy and table five doesn't want cheese on their pulled pork and table 10 wants extra ketchup and trying not to mess anything up so you don't have a mental breakdown. It's the best.
8. Tables that want to camp out for hours.
You've already paid me, yet you want to camp out in my section for an insane amount of time just chillin'. Be my guest. I love that you're preventing me from making more money.
9. Paying for everything in one dollar bills.
No, I'm not a stripper. I'm a waitress. Now please take my $30 in ones and shut your face please.
10. Side work.
I don't know about you, but I absolutely hate side work. Breaking down the salad bar? No thank you. Filling up the sugar caddies? I'd rather not. But, you gotta do what you gotta do.
11. People who yell at you for the food you didn't even cook.
It truly does suck when your food comes out undercooked or not the way you want it; believe me, I understand. But please, don't yell at me. I didn't cook your food. It's not my fault that your burger is well done instead of medium well. I'll get you a new meal free of charge, but please, be respectful of me because I'm doing the best I can.
12. When your table forgets to tell you until the end that they want split checks.
OMG, all of you guys want separate checks? Of course, let me go try to remember each specific meal you all got while crying on the inside.
13. People who joke that they "hated their meal" when their plate is licked clean.
HA HA *awkward laughter*. Haven't heard that one before. You got me.
14. Always smelling like food.
"It smells like garlic in here." No, that's just me.
15. Having to smile when you actually want to cry.
I can't even count the times that I've had to hold back tears and take people's orders after I've just been reamed out by my boss or insulted by a table. It really toughens the skin.
"Just think about the money," I tell myself. "Just think about the money."