If you're reading this article as a fellow retail employee, I first and foremost want to give you words of comfort; I understand your struggle. However, if you're reading this article as a customer, it's imperative for you to understand that retail workers are in fact human beings and the struggle is beyond real. Why, you ask? Let's take a look at some of the daily occurrences that make our job so painful at times.
1. Careless parents.
Teach your kid how to act like a decent human being, please. Some parents are immune to the tantrums, but trust me, the rest of the store (especially me, who has to clean up after that demon) is anything but.
2. Abusing the express lane checkout.
You may not care that my sign says 15 items or less, but the people waiting behind you do. If you have to stop and wonder if you have too many items, you do. The "Oh I might have a few over." usually means you have double the max you're supposed to.
3. Sarcastic comments.
*Item isn't scanning* "Oh, it must be free." It wasn't funny the first fifty times said today, and it still isn't. Like, at all. I can only do so many fake laughs a day.
4. Sweaty/ wet money.
Wait... did you just pull that cash out from your boob? Not okay. I don't know what substances I just felt on your grimy dollar bill but I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
5. Threatening to go to a competitor's store.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
6. Death stares while waiting in line.
That's not motivating me to go any quicker (it's actually probably doing the opposite).
7. Complaining about the prices.
Look, man. I just work here. Don't buy it.
8. Laying cash/ change on the table.
OK... just give me a few minutes to scoop all this up. Not like it would've been cool for it to have just been handed to me?
9. Coming in 5 minutes before closing.
*Screams inside head while smiling at customer*
10. Talking on the phone.
First of all, I've had to listen to some pretty freaky conversations. Second of all, just a tad rude. I don't even feel bad that you forgot your purchase because you were so distracted (too distracted to even acknowledge me).
11. Just flat out ignoring me.
That's fine. I'm fine. I was just asking myself how I'm doing.
12. Rude customers in general.
How much longer can I fake this smile while imagining the world without you in it?
13. Expecting us to empty your basket for you.
Really? You're going to make me awkwardly grab each item out instead of unloading it yourself like a big girl/boy?
14. Flirting.
I'm not going to give you any kind of discount and it's just weird. Let me work in peace.
15. Deciding not to get things last minute.
So you either just leave it somewhere and expect someone to return it to its rightful spot or hand it to me to do it for you.