Every person that wears glasses for the better part of the day remembers the moment when they found the one pair that changed them into a glasses-wearer forever. You finally felt like you got your life together and that you were ready to conquer the world. Although you love your glasses, it definitely comes with a few struggles.
You know you wear glasses when:
1. You can’t lie comfortably on your side.
I just want to lie down. Is that too much to ask?
2. You start getting little pimples on the side of your nose.
Where did these zits come from? How did you get here?
3. When you lose your glasses and you feel like you have lost your whole identity.
Will people even recognize me without them?
4. You watch people read without glasses and feel physical pain for them.
How do they do it? What magical powers of sorcery do they possess?
5. You spend half of your life letting people try them on.
Oooo can I try? Omg everything looks so different! Maybe I should get glasses, they look good on me!
6. And you spend the other half looking for where you put them.
I swear I put them in the bathroom last night, ugh!
7. You pretend to put them on your pets and laugh at them for looking silly.
You don't need glasses silly kitty!
8. You feel naked without them.
My eyes are naked, please don't look at them.
9. You look back at old photos and cringe at your old glasses your mom picked out for you.
Parents: why???
10. You feel like you can conquer anything when you finally clean the lenses.
11. You notice other people’s glasses and wonder where they got them.
Wow, why didn't I do this sooner?
12. You get excited when your friend has to get glasses.
Ah! Glasses buddies! We can pick out glasses together!
13. Kissing with them on means that they just start poking the other person's face.
Oops, sorry. Sorry. Okay, I'll just take them off.
14. When you forget them at school or work, you mentally check out for the day.
Well, I can't do anything productive now, so bye.
15. You don’t want contacts because your glasses are a part of you.
What do you mean "why don't you wear contacts?" I can see perfectly fine with my glasses.