For as long as I can remember, my family would always take road trips as our vacations. Whether the road trips only lasts a couple of days to a week to three weeks, it's always chaotic. No matter how often we take them, there are always the same problems.
1. Getting everyone to agree on the vacation spot.
2. You never leave on time.
3. Someone always has to use the bathroom at the most inconvenient time.
4. Arguing about where to stop and for how long.
5. Being trapped in a car will test everyone's patience.
6. The constant packing and repacking the car at every hotel stay.
7. Bringing so much unnecessary things in the first place.
8. Taking pictures -- everywhere!
9. Putting up with your parents snoring in the hotel rooms.
10. Getting everyone to agree where to stop to eat.
11. Fighting about who gets to sit in the front seat.
12. The backseat driving even if you have a GPS.
13. Waking up at ungodly hours in order to leave the hotel on time and get on the road.
14. No one agrees on the music.
15. Never being able to get comfortable for an extended amount of time.
Even after all of it, you look back and realize how much fun you had and can't wait for the next one, and then the next one.