15 Struggles Every Pale Girl Knows Too Well | The Odyssey Online
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15 Struggles Every Pale Girl Knows Too Well

We did not chose the pale life; the pale life chose us.

15 Struggles Every Pale Girl Knows Too Well

With summer approaching fast, it seems like every girl is obsessing over getting the perfect summer tan. But for a few of us, the pale girls, we are dreading the days of beaming sun that will never give us the sought after, golden glow. We know how hard it is in being pale all year around, and it is a true struggle.

1. Spending hours in the makeup section trying to find the perfect shade of foundation.

They still end up being too dark, no matter how "light-tinted" it claims to be.

2. Unable to wear black because we would look like Wednesday Adams.

It's not pretty.

3. Unable to wear white because we would look like some sort of magical creature.

Snow Queen? Snow White? Casper the Friendly Ghost? We have looked like them all.

4. Our faces tend to disappear while taking a selfie.

This definitely does not help our case when we are accused of being as pale as a ghost.

5. Blushing at literally everything.

Being pale and slick is impossible because we turn bright red, and everyone can see our emotions on our face. If you are embarrassed, everyone will know, and if you are totally crushing on a boy in class, well, everyone will know that, too.

6. People not believing us when we are sick, because we do not look any "paler."

I do not know what color people expect us to turn when we are already the shade of snow.

7. Always being the palest one out of your perfectly bronzed friends.

Comparing skin tones in the summertime is awful, because without a doubt, we will always be the palest.

8. People telling us to "get some sun" because we look sickly.


9. Avoiding spray-tanning at all cost.

10. Buying enough sunscreen over the summer to provide to a small village

Sometimes, that is not even enough.

11. Only being able to use the "heavy-duty" sunscreen.

SPF 15? No freakin' way. We need SPF 50, at least.

12. And if we forget sunscreen for five minutes, we turn into a lobster.

It's painful and painfully embarrassing.

13. Aloe becomes our best friend over the summer.

Can't miss a spot.

14. Our sunburn never fades into a tan, but reverts to our pasty skin-tone.

How is that fair?

15. But at the end of the day, we love our sparkly, porcelain skin.

It has a glow of its own.

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