If you were born with red hair, you without a doubt have had these struggles before. Those who aren't gingers or aren't lucky enough to have one in their life may not understand this list at all, but I promise you, this is as real as it gets.
1. Your nicknames are far from original.
Being called "Red" or "Ginger" is neither creative nor clever. It's the exact same as calling someone "Brown" because they have brown hair.
2. Everyone asks if your hair color is natural and then doesn't believe you when you say yes.
Having to defend your hair color will always be a weird battle.
3. Freckles. Whether you have a ton or none.
When you have lots of freckles, everyone and I mean everyone points them out. When you have no freckles, everyone assumes you're not a real ginger and dye your hair.
4. The sun is your biggest enemy.
Sunburns, sun rashes, and lots and lots of sunscreen. Even if you love the sun, it sure doesn't love you back.
5. Constantly being made fun of for not having a soul.
Response: Good joke. Did you think of that one by yourself?
6. Or being told that all your freckles are from souls you have stolen.
Seriously, who came up with these?
7. Hiding your embarrassment is impossible.
A beet red face goes real well with red hair.
8. Everyone assumes that you're Irish.
Not every redhead has Irish in their blood.
9. Not being able to wear the certain colors.
Reds and greens are pretty much off limits.
10. Your version of tan is the same color as most people during the winter.
You can never talk about how nice your tan is with your brunette and blonde friends.
11. If you're a girl and don't wear mascara, your eyelashes are non-existent.
I promise they're there!!
12. You are easily spotted out in a crowd
If you want to go incognito, you better pull your hood up.
13. Your identifier is "The one with red hair"
Never fails to be what people remember you for.
14. National "Kick A Ginger Day"
A day full of bruises, pain and sadness.
15. Being told that you should have kids with another ginger so that you don't go extinct.
I'll get right on that.