1. When you have to work every weekend.
You mean there is such a thing as having a Saturday night off? However, servers love the weekends too because that is prime time to make money.
2. Coming into work and you see you’re in a section you hate.
Please not again, this section is so far from the kitchen! And it's so small, how am I ever going to make money tonight?
3. Greeting a table and having them reply with their drink order.
4. When the kitchen is out of something you need.
Who forgot to restock the bread oven again? Are we seriously out of butter, I need that for my table!
5. When you let someone borrow a pen knowing you’ll never get it back.
Any server knows that if you lend another server a pen, you will most likely never see it again.
6. The struggle of not ever knowing when you will be off of work.
I’m second cut tonight, so that could be either 7 p.m. or 10 p.m. depending on how busy we are. Not knowing when exactly you will be off work can be the biggest struggle when serving.
7. When you are starving and have to serve delicious food you can’t eat.
But I might steal a fry or two or 20 during my shift.
8. When you have a table that modifies everything.
You want a salad with no tomatoes, onions and cucumbers with extra cheese, add bacon and egg with three different types salad dressings? Oh sure, no rules.
9. When they call for a food runner.
I’m sure you need a food runner, but I just got double sat, my other table needs ketchup, the coke needs to be changed, and we are out of ice. So no, I do not have time to run that food to that other server's table.
10. When the kitchen takes forever and your table is yelling at you for it.
I don’t cook your food! I don’t control them back there! But seriously, servers have little to nothing to do with the kitchen. If your food comes out cooked wrong, then it is not our fault, so please stop yelling at us!
11. When you have to split the check eight different ways.
And then you get angry when it takes me a little while to get your check back to you. Patience is a virtue and splitting checks can take time.
12. When a customer “hates” their food, but hate every bite.
Ha, you’re hilarious. No I am not taking it off your check.
13. When you have that table that tells you how amazing you are, but doesn’t tip.
Oh, yes, I pay all my bills with compliments too.
14. When you get cut at the end of the night, but have the hardest sidework to do before you can leave.
Please no, I’ve just worked a double, can’t I just go home?
15. When you end your shift covered in food and sauce.
Is this ranch dressing in my hair? Oh gosh, I smell like fried food and tears.