1. "Yes! First beach day of the summer"

"I cannot wait to lay out and get that first tan. I'm so pale from the winter and neeeed some color"
2. "Mmm... the sun feels amazing on my skin!"
"Maybe I'll just take a quiickkk nap.." *falls asleep for an hour*
3. "I guess it's time to head home!"
You head inside, take off your bathing suit, and look in the mirror. "Good! Only a little red, this will fade into a great tan by tomorrow, I'm sure of it!"

Touching yourself with a face cloth is too awful to bear. You cover yourself in aloe and pop ibuprofen, praying this will at least go down from a second to first degree burn.
5. It's time to go to bed
You try every position possible to get comfortable but even the sheets rubbing against your burnt back hurts. All your yoga paid off because you finally fall asleep in a position you didn't even know existed.
6. Waking up is fun
Your sunburnt body is stuck to the sheets because you're body temperature is near 105. Then you run to the fridge and proceed to drink around 10 gallons of water a day. Then rub yourself in various gels and creams while curing at the sun.
7. You break down sobbing
Probably because the burn is unbearable or because your boyfriend didn't rub the aloe on gently enough. So you scream at him between sobs, just before airing your burning body out.
8. Here comes the blisters and peeling

By far the worst part. You cannot even go out with your friends because you are too disgusting to look at. Your face, back, legs, shoulders are peeling and it's unbearable. Oh, the itching is a plus.
9. You start to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Your skin is healing! And turning into a delightful tan! It was so worth it and you promise yourself you will ALWAYS use sun screen!
10. "What a beautiful day for the beach!"

"I cannot wait to lay out and get a tan. I'm so pale from the winter and neeed some color"