We've all been there, looking in the mirror thinking "I should go on a diet". The idea of a diet is pretty simple, just eat less, and healthier. (So that means no hot Cheetos). The actual act of going on a diet is a much different experience. Kale, protein shakes, working out? What did I get myself into?
1. Deciding to go on a diet
When you have a big event coming up and the dress you're planning to wear seem
2. Letting everyone know you're on a diet
Letting everyone know you're on a diet so they don't try to mess you up by asking if you want Mcdonalds at midnight.
3. Cutting certain foods out
Goodbye, dear friends.
4. Regretting cutting out certain foods
Are you sure that girl scout cookies aren't diet-friendly? Thin mints literally have "thin" in the name.
5. Realizing you don't eat healthy... at all
The last green thing I ingested was a mixed drink.
6. Deciding to start eating healthy
Trader Joes, here we come.
7. Remembering why you don't eat "healthy food"
Kale? no. Just no.
8.Seeing Progress
That might be water weight but I'm still counting it.
9. Hating it more than anything
Screw this, I'll just buy bigger clothes.
10. Is it worth it?
The carbs are calling, and you want to pick up.
11. Realizing it is indeed not worth it
Curves are hot anyway.
12. FOOD
Yes, I got Taco Bell to eat on my way to Mcdonalds while I was waiting for my Dominoes pizza, do you have a problem?
13. Eating junk food
If pizza wasn't a breakfast food they wouldn't have made it so good cold.
14. Embracing the curves
My weight doesn't define me anyway.
15. Going back to your normal habits
Am I really living my best life if I'm missing out on beer and tacos?